4 Mechanical Models II

4.3 Render properties

All ArtiSynth components that are renderable maintain a property renderProps, which stores a RenderProps object that contains a number of subproperties used to control an object’s rendered appearance.

In code, the renderProps property for an object can be set or queried using the methods

  setRenderProps (RenderProps props); // set render properties
  RenderProps getRenderProps();       // get render properties (read-only)

Render properties can also be set in the GUI by selecting one or more components and the choosing Set render props ... in the right-click context menu. More details on setting render properties through the GUI can be found in the section “Render properties” in the ArtiSynth User Interface Guide.

For many components, the default value of renderProps is null; i.e., no RenderProps object is assigned by default and render properties are instead inherited from ancestor components further up the hierarchy. The reason for this is because RenderProps objects are fairly large (many kilobytes), and so assigning a unique one to every component could consume too much memory. Even when a RenderProps object is assigned, most of its properties are inherited by default, and so only those properties which are explicitly set will differ from those specified in ancestor components.

4.3.1 Render property taxonomy

In general, the properties in RenderProps are used to control the color, size, and style of the three primary rendering primitives: faces, lines, and points. Table 4.2 contains a complete list. Values for the shading, faceStyle, lineStyle and pointStyle properties are defined using the following enumerated types: Renderer.Shading, Renderer.FaceStyle, Renderer.PointStyle, and Renderer.LineStyle. Colors are specified using java.awt.Color.

property purpose usual default value
visible whether or not the component is visible true
alpha transparency for diffuse colors (range 0 to 1) 1 (opaque)
shading shading style: (FLAT, SMOOTH, METAL, NONE) FLAT
shininess shininess parameter (range 0 to 128) 32
specular specular color components null
faceStyle which polygonal faces are drawn (FRONT, BACK, FRONT_AND_BACK, NONE) FRONT
faceColor diffuse color for drawing faces GRAY
backColor diffuse color used for the backs of faces. If null, faceColor is used. null
drawEdges hint that polygon edges should be drawn explicitly false
colorMap color mapping properties (see Section 4.3.3) null
normalMap normal mapping properties (see Section 4.3.3) null
bumpMap bump mapping properties (see Section 4.3.3) null
edgeColor diffuse color for edges null
edgeWidth edge width in pixels 1
lineStyle: how lines are drawn (CYLINDER, LINE, or SPINDLE) LINE
lineColor diffuse color for lines GRAY
lineWidth width in pixels when LINE style is selected 1
lineRadius radius when CYLINDER or SPINDLE style is selected 1
pointStyle how points are drawn (SPHERE or POINT) POINT
pointColor diffuse color for points GRAY
pointSize point size in pixels when POINT style is selected 1
pointRadius sphere radius when SPHERE style is selected 1
Table 4.2: Render properties and their default values.

To increase and improve their visibility, both the line and point primitives are associated with styles (CYLINDER, SPINDLE, and SPHERE) that allow them to be rendered using 3D surface geometry.

Exactly how a component interprets its render properties is up to the component (and more specifically, up to the rendering method for that component). Not all render properties are relevant to all components, particularly if the rendering does not use all of the rendering primitives. For example, Particle components use only the point primitives and AxialSpring components use only the line primitives. For this reason, some components use subclasses of RenderProps, such as PointRenderProps and LineRenderProps, that expose only a subset of the available render properties. All renderable components provide the method createRenderProps() that will create and return a RenderProps object suitable for that component.

4.3.2 Setting render properties

When setting render properties, it is important to note that the value returned by getRenderProps() should be treated as read-only and should not be used to set property values. For example, applications should not do the following:

   particle.getRenderProps().setPointColor (Color.BLUE);

This can cause problems for two reasons. First, getRenderProps() will return null if the object does not currently have a RenderProps object. Second, because RenderProps objects are large, ArtiSynth may try to share them between components, and so by setting them for one component, the application my inadvertently set them for other components as well.

Instead, RenderProps provides a static method for each property that can be used to set that property’s value for a specific component. For example, the correct way to set pointColor is

   RenderProps.setPointColor (particle, Color.BLUE);

One can also set render properties by calling setRenderProps() with a predefined RenderProps object as an argument. This is useful for setting a large number of properties at once:

   RenderProps props = new RenderProps();
   props.setPointColor (Color.BLUE);
   props.setPointRadius (2);
   props.setPointStyle (RenderProps.PointStyle.SPHERE);
   particle.setRenderProps (props);

For setting each of the color properties within RenderProps, one can use either Color objects or float[] arrays of length 3 giving the RGB values. Specifically, there are methods of the form

   props.setXXXColor (Color color)
   props.setXXXColor (float[] rgb)

as well as the static methods

   RenderProps.setXXXColor (Renderable r, Color color)
   RenderProps.setXXXColor (Renderable r, float[] rgb)

where XXX corresponds to Point, Line, Face, Edge, and Back. For Edge and Back, both color and rgb can be given as null to clear the indicated color. For the specular color, the associated methods are

   props.setSpecular (Color color)
   props.setSpecular (float[] rgb)
   RenderProps.setSpecular (Renderable r, Color color)
   RenderProps.setSpecular (Renderable r, float[] rgb)

Note that even though components may use a subclass of RenderProps internally, one can always use the base RenderProps class to set values; properties which are not relevant to the component will simply be ignored.

Finally, as mentioned above, render properties are inherited. Values set high in the component hierarchy will be inherited by descendant components, unless those descendants (or intermediate components) explicitly set overriding values. For example, a MechModel maintains its own RenderProps (and which is never null). Setting its pointColor property to RED will cause all point-related components within that MechModel to be rendered as red except for components that set their pointColor to a different property.

There are typically three levels in a MechModel component hierarchy at which render properties can be set:

  • The MechModel itself;

  • Lists containing components;

  • Individual components.

For example, consider the following code:

   MechModel mech = new MechModel ("mech");
   Particle p1 = new Particle (/*name=*/null, 2, 0, 0, 0);
   Particle p2 = new Particle (/*name=*/null, 2, 1, 0, 0);
   Particle p3 = new Particle (/*name=*/null, 2, 1, 1, 0);
   mech.addParticle (p1);
   mech.addParticle (p2);
   mech.addParticle (p3);
   RenderProps.setPointColor (mech, Color.BLUE);
   RenderProps.setPointColor (mech.particles(), Color.GREEN);
   RenderProps.setPointColor (p3, Color.RED);

Setting the MechModel render property pointColor to BLUE will cause all point-related items to be rendered blue by default. Setting the pointColor render property for the particle list (returned by mech.particles()) will override this and cause all particles in the list to be rendered green by default. Lastly, setting pointColor for p3 will cause it to be rendered as red.

4.3.3 Texture mapping

Render properties can also be set to apply texture mapping to objects containing polygonal meshes in which texture coordinates have been set. Supported is provided for color, normal and bump mapping, although normal and bump mapping are only available under the OpenGL 3 version of the ArtiSynth renderer.

Texture mapping is controlled through the colorMap, normalMap, and bumpMap properties of RenderProps. These are composite properties with a default value of null, but applications can set them to instances of ColorMapProps, NormalMapProps, and BumpMapProps, respectively, to provide the source images and parameters for the associated mapping. The two most important properties exported by all of these MapProps objects are:


A boolean indicating whether or not the mapping is enabled.


A string giving the file name of the supporting source image.

NormalMapProps and BumpMapProps also export scaling, which scales the x-y components of the normal map or the depth of the bump map. Other exported properties control mixing with underlying colors, and how texture coordinates are both filtered and managed when they fall outside the canonical range [0,1]. Full details on texture mapping and its support by the ArtiSynth renderer are given in the “Rendering” section of the Maspack Reference Manual.

To set up a texture map, one creates an instance of the appropriate MapProps object and uses this to set either the colorMap, normalMap, or bumpMap property of RenderProps. For a specific renderable, the map properties can be set using the static methods

   void RenderProps.setColorMap (Renderable r, ColorMapProps tprops);
   void RenderProps.setNormalMap (Renderable r, NormalMapProps tprops);
   void RenderProps.setBumpMap (Renderable r, BumpMapProps tprops);

When initializing the PropMaps object, it is often sufficient to just set enabled to true and fileName to the full path name of the source image. Normal and bump maps also often require adjustment of their scaling properties. The following static methods are available for setting the enabled and fileName subproperties within a renderable:

   void RenderProps.setColorMapEnabled (Renderable r, boolean enabled);
   void RenderProps.setColorMapFileName (Renderable r, String fileName);
   void RenderProps.setNormalMapEnabled (Renderable r, boolean enabled);
   void RenderProps.setNormalMapFileName (Renderable r, String fileName);
   void RenderProps.setBumpMapEnabled (Renderable r, boolean enabled);
   void RenderProps.setBumpMapFileName (Renderable r, String fileName);

Normal and bump mapping only work under the OpenGL 3 version of the ArtiSynth viewer, and also do not work if the shading property of RenderProps is set to NONE or FLAT.

Texture mapping properties can be set within ancestor nodes of the component hierarchy, to allow file names and other parameters to be propagated throughout the hierarchy. However, when this is done, it is still necessary to ensure that the corresponding mapping properties for the relevant descendants are non-null. That’s because mapping properties themselves are not inherited; only their subproperties are. If a mapping property for any given object is null, the associated mapping will be disabled. A non-null mapping property for an object will be created automatically by calling one of the setXXXEnabled() methods listed above. So when setting up ancestor-controlled mapping, one may use a construction like this:

      RenderProps.setColorMap (ancestor, tprops);
      RenderProps.setColorMapEnabled (descendant0, true);
      RenderProps.setColorMapEnabled (descendant1, true);

Then colorMap subproperties set within ancestor will be inherited by descendant0 and descendant1.

As indicated above, texture mapping will only be applied to components containing rendered polygonal meshes for which appropriate texture coordinates have been set. Determining such texture coordinates that produce appropriate results for a given source image is often non-trivial; this so-called “u-v mapping problem” is difficult in general and is highly dependent on the mesh geometry. ArtiSynth users can handle the problem of assigning texture coordinates in several ways:

  • Use meshes which already have appropriate texture coordinates defined for a given source image. This generally means that mesh is specified by a file that contains the required texture coordinates. The mesh should then be read from this file (Section 2.5.5) and then used in the construction of the relevant components. For example, the application can read in a mesh containing texture coordinates and then use it to create a RigidBody via the method RigidBody.createFromMesh().

  • Use a simple mesh object with predefined texture coordinates. The class MeshFactory provides the methods

       PolygonalMesh createRectangle (width, height, xdivs, ydivs, addTextureCoords);
       PolygonalMesh createSphere (radius, nslices, nlevels, addTextureCoords)

    which create rectangular and spherical meshes, along with canonical canonical texture coordinates if addTextureCoords is true. Coordinates generated by createSphere() are defined so that (0,0) and (1,1) map to the spherical coordinates (-\pi,\pi) (at the south pole) and (\pi,0) (at the north pole). Source images can be relatively easy to find for objects with canonical coordinates.

  • Compute custom texture coordinates and set them within the mesh using setTextureCoords().

An example where texture mapping is applied to spherical meshes to make them appear like tennis balls is defined in


and listing for this is given below:

Figure 4.1: Color and bump mapping applied to spherical meshes. Left: color mapping only. Middle: bump mapping only. Right: combined color and bump mapping.
1 package artisynth.demos.tutorial;
3 import java.awt.Color;
5 import maspack.geometry.*;
6 import maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d;
7 import maspack.render.*;
8 import maspack.render.Renderer.ColorMixing;
9 import maspack.render.Renderer.Shading;
10 import maspack.util.PathFinder;
11 import maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia;
12 import artisynth.core.mechmodels.*;
13 import artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel;
15 /**
16  * Simple demo showing color and bump mapping applied to spheres to make them
17  * look like tennis balls.
18  */
19 public class SphericalTextureMapping extends RootModel {
21    RigidBody createBall (
22       MechModel mech, String name, PolygonalMesh mesh, double xpos) {
23       double density = 500;
24       RigidBody ball =
25          RigidBody.createFromMesh (name, mesh.clone(), density, /*scale=*/1);
26       ball.setPose (new RigidTransform3d (/*x,y,z=*/xpos, 0, 0));
27       mech.addRigidBody (ball);
28       return ball;
29    }
31    public void build (String[] args) {
33       // create MechModel and add to RootModel
34       MechModel mech = new MechModel ("mech");
35       addModel (mech);
37       double radius = 0.0686;
38       // create the balls
39       PolygonalMesh mesh = MeshFactory.createSphere (
40          radius, 20, 10, /*texture=*/true);
42       RigidBody ball0 = createBall (mech, "ball0", mesh, -2.5*radius);
43       RigidBody ball1 = createBall (mech, "ball1", mesh, 0);
44       RigidBody ball2 = createBall (mech, "ball2", mesh, 2.5*radius);
46       // set up the basic render props: no shininess, smooth shading to enable
47       // bump mapping, and an underlying diffuse color of white to combine with
48       // the color map
49       RenderProps.setSpecular (mech, Color.BLACK);
50       RenderProps.setShading (mech, Shading.SMOOTH);
51       RenderProps.setFaceColor (mech, Color.WHITE);
52       // create and add the texture maps (provided free courtesy of
53       // www.robinwood.com).
54       String dataFolder = PathFinder.expand (
55          "${srcdir SphericalTextureMapping}/data");
57       ColorMapProps cprops = new ColorMapProps();
58       cprops.setEnabled (true);
59       // no specular coloring since ball should be matt
60       cprops.setSpecularColoring (false);
61       cprops.setFileName (dataFolder + "/TennisBallColorMap.jpg");
63       BumpMapProps bprops = new BumpMapProps();
64       bprops.setEnabled (true);
65       bprops.setScaling ((float)radius/10);
66       bprops.setFileName (dataFolder + "/TennisBallBumpMap.jpg");
68       // apply color map to balls 0 and 2. Can do this by setting color map
69       // properties in the MechModel, so that properties are controlled in one
70       // place - but we must then also explicitly enable color mapping in
71       // the surface mesh components for balls 0 and 2.
72       RenderProps.setColorMap (mech, cprops);
73       RenderProps.setColorMapEnabled (ball0.getSurfaceMeshComp(), true);
74       RenderProps.setColorMapEnabled (ball2.getSurfaceMeshComp(), true);
76       // apply bump map to balls 1 and 2. Again, we do this by setting
77       // the render properties for their surface mesh components
78       RenderProps.setBumpMap (ball1.getSurfaceMeshComp(), bprops);
79       RenderProps.setBumpMap (ball2.getSurfaceMeshComp(), bprops);
80    }
81 }

The build() method uses the internal method createBall() to generate three rigid bodies, each defined using a spherical mesh that has been created with MeshFactory.createSphere() with addTextureCoords set to true. The remainder of the build() method sets up the render properties and the texture mappings. Two texture mappings are defined: a color mapping and bump mapping, based on the images TennisBallColorMap.jpg and TennisBallBumpMap.jpg (Figure 4.2), both located in the subdirectory data relative to the demo source file. PathFinder.expand() is used to determine the full data folder name relative to the source directory. For the bump map, it is important to set the scaling property to adjust the depth amplitude to relative to the sphere radius.

Figure 4.2: Color and bump map images used in the texture mapping example. These map to spherical coordinates on the mesh.

Color mapping is applied to balls 0 and 2, and bump mapping to balls 1 and 2. This is done by setting color map and/or bump map render properties in the components holding the actual meshes, which in this case is the mesh components for the balls’ surfaces meshes, obtained using getSurfaceMeshComp(). As mentioned above, it is also possible to set these render properties in an ancestor component, and that is done here by setting the colorMap render property of the MechModel, but then it is also necessary to enable color mapping within the individual mesh components, using RenderProps.setColorMapEnabled().

To run this example in ArtiSynth, select All demos > tutorial > SphericalTextureMapping from the Models menu. The model should load and initially appear as in Figure 4.1. Note that if ArtiSynth is run with the legacy OpenGL 2 viewer (command line option -GLVersion 2), bump mapping will not be supported and will not appear.