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A - Variable in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2d
Matrix component.
A - Variable in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3d
Matrix component.
AABB - Class in maspack.geometry
AABB() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.AABB
AABB(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.AABB
AABBTree - Class in maspack.geometry
AABBTree() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.AABBTree
AABBTree(MeshBase, int, double) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.AABBTree
AABBTree(MeshBase, int) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.AABBTree
AABBTree(MeshBase) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.AABBTree
AbaqusReader - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
Abaqus File reader, only supports the NODE, ELEMENT and INCLUDE keywords
AbaqusReader(Reader, File[]) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusReader
AbaqusReader(File, File[]) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusReader
AbaqusReader(File) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusReader
AbaqusReader(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusReader
AbaqusReader.ElemType - Enum in artisynth.core.femmodels
AbaqusReaderWriterTest - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
AbaqusReaderWriterTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusReaderWriterTest
AbaqusWriter - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
Abaqus File reader, only supports the NODE and ELEMENT keywords
AbaqusWriter(PrintWriter) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusWriter
AbaqusWriter(File) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusWriter
AbaqusWriter(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusWriter
AbaqusWriter.ElemType - Enum in artisynth.core.femmodels
AbaqusWriter.ElemTypeList - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
abortOnInvertedElems - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
ABOVE - Static variable in class maspack.widgets.GuiUtils
Place one component above another.
ABPointsMonitor(String, PointList<Point>) - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase.ABPointsMonitor
ABPointsMonitor(String, PointList<Point>, boolean) - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase.ABPointsMonitor
absolute() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Sets the elements of this matrix to their absolute values.
absolute() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Sets the elements of this vector to their absolute values.
absolute(SparseVectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Sets the elements of this vector to the absolute value of v1.
absolute() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Sets the elements of this vector to their absolute values.
absolute(Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Sets the elements of this vector to the absolute value of v1.
absolute() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Sets the elements of this vector to their absolute values.
absolute(Vector2i) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Sets the elements of this vector to the absolute value of v1.
absolute() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Sets the elements of this vector to their absolute values.
absolute(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Sets the elements of this vector to the absolute value of v1.
absolute() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Sets the elements of this vector to their absolute values.
absolute(Vector3i) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Sets the elements of this vector to the absolute value of v1.
absolute() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Sets the elements of this vector to their absolute values.
absolute(Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Sets the elements of this vector to the absolute value of v1.
absolute() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Sets the elements of this vector to their absolute values.
absolute(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Sets the elements of this vector to the absolute value of v1.
absolute() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Sets the elements of this vector to their absolute values.
absolute(VectorNi) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Sets the elements of this vector to the absolute value of v1.
absolute() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialVector
Sets the elements of this spatial vector to their absolute values.
absolute(Twist) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Twist
Sets the elements of this twist to their absolute values.
absolute(Wrench) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Wrench
Sets the elements of this wrench to their absolute values.
AbstractCollider - Interface in maspack.collision
AccelerationGrid<T> - Class in maspack.collision
AccelerationGrid() - Constructor for class maspack.collision.AccelerationGrid
accept(Command) - Method in interface artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.UndoManager.CommandFilter
accept(File) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.OpenSimFileFilter
accept(File) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.AmiraLandmarkReader.AmiraLandmarkFileFilter
accept(File) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ExtensionFileFilter
accept(File) - Method in class maspack.util.FolderFileFilter
accept(File) - Method in class maspack.util.GenericFileFilter
acosTiming(String) - Method in class maspack.util.CubicSolverTest
acquire() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPlaneTextureContent
acquire() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTextureContent
acquire() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTITextureContent
acquire() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2DisplayList
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Primitive
acquire() - Method in interface maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Resource
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2ResourceBase
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.BufferObject
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.ClipPlanesUBO
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.ElementArray
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3LinesVertexBuffer
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Object
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3PointsVertexBuffer
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Primitive
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderInstances
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectElements
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectLines
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectPoints
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectPrimitives
acquire() - Method in interface maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Resource
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ResourceBase
acquire() - Method in interface maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedDrawable
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObject
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedPrimitive
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderInstances
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectBase
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectLines
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectPoints
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectPrimitives
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectPrimitivesDrawable
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectVertices
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedVertexIndexArray
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.IndexBufferObject
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.LightsUBO
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.MaterialsUBO
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.MatricesUBO
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.UniformBufferObject
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.VertexArrayObject
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.VertexBufferObject
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLRenderBuffer
acquire() - Method in interface maspack.render.GL.GLResource
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLResourceBase
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSelector
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLShaderProgram
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLTexture
acquire() - Method in interface maspack.render.TextureContent
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentFile
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentImage
acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentText
acquire() - Method in interface maspack.util.ReferenceCounted
Signal the resource that something is holding a reference to it.
acquire() - Method in class maspack.util.ReferenceCountedBase
acquireAndCount() - Method in interface maspack.util.ReferenceCounted
Signal the resource that something is holding a reference to it.
acquireAndCount() - Method in class maspack.util.ReferenceCountedBase
acquireEditLock() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.EditorManager
actionPerformed(ModelScriptActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MenuBarHandler
action performed to process all the menu and button actions in this class
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MenuBarHandler
action performed to process all the menu and button actions in this class
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MoviePrefs
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Preferences
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SelectionToolbar
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SettingsDialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.UpdateLibrariesAgent
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AddComponentAgent
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AttachParticleAgent
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AttachParticleBodyAgent
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AttachParticleFemAgent
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AxialSpringAgent
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.DefaultCollisionsDialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.DuplicateAgent
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.ExcitationTargetAgent
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.Fem3dMarkerAgent
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.FemModel3dAgent
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.FemNodeSelectionAgent
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.FrameBasedEditingAgent
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.GeometryInertiaPanel
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MechModelAgent
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MeshRegistrationAgent
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MotionTargetComponentAgent
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MuscleElementAgent
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.RigidBodyAgent
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.RigidBodyConnectorAgent
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.RigidBodyGeometryAgent
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.SetCollisionsDialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.TracingProbePanel
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ExtClassPathEditor
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.LegendDisplay
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbeDisplayLarge
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbeRangeSelectorDialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.AddPropertyPane
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.InputNumericProbeEditor
Event handler.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.NumericProbeEditor
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.OutputNumericProbeEditor
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.PropertyWidgetDialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionPopup
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.ProbeInfo
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimeToolbar.TimelineButtonListener
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ProbeExportChooser
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ProbeImportChooser
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.SmoothingDialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelBase
By default, this method does nothing.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.AddPackageDialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptActionForwarder
actionPerformed(ModelScriptActionEvent) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptActionListener
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenuEditor
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.PreferencesEditor
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.StartupModelEditor
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MethodDialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMakerDialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.FemModelDeformer
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.demos.dicom.DicomLoader
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.AjlCollisionTest
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.GeneralWrapTest
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.apps.HermiteSpline1dEditor
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.apps.IntersectorTestViewer
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshCollisionViewer
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshViewer
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolverTest
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.test.GL.GLRedBleedDebug
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.BooleanSelector
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.ColorSelector
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleField
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DraggerToolBar
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.GridDisplay
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponent
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentBase
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledControlDemo
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledToggleButton
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.MouseSettingsDialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyFrame
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyModeButton
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.RenderPropsDialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.ViewerFrame
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.ViewerPopupManager
Should be overridden as needed by subclasses.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.ViewerToolBar
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.WidgetDialog
activate(GL) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.FrameBufferObject
Once activated() all further rendering will go to the framebuffer object.
activateFBO(GL2GL3) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLFrameCapture
activateFBO(GL, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSelector
activateTexture(GL3, String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ProgramManager
activateVertexAttribute(GL3, int, GL3AttributeStorage, int, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Utilities
Enables a vertex attribute pointer based on a given storage, correctly handling matrix types (since matrices occupy multiple attribute locations)
activateVertexAttribute(GL3, int, GL3AttributeStorage, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Utilities
Enables a vertex attribute pointer based on a given storage, correctly handling matrix types (since matrices occupy multiple attribute locations)
activeColor - Static variable in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.NumericProbeEditor
activeColor - Static variable in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.PopupListener
ActiveForceLengthCurve - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
ActiveForceLengthCurve() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ActiveForceLengthCurve
ActiveForceLengthCurveFactory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
ActiveForceLengthCurveFactory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ActiveForceLengthCurveFactory
activForceLengthCurve - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.Hill3ElemMuscleRigidTendon
ActuatedSkinning - Class in artisynth.demos.test
ActuatedSkinning() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.test.ActuatedSkinning
add(EditorBase, String, int, Collection<String>) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.EditActionMap
add(EditorBase, String, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.EditActionMap
add(EditorBase, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.EditActionMap
add(CollisionBehavior) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehaviorList
add(CollisionResponse) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionResponseList
add(ExcitationComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ExcitationSourceList
add(ExcitationComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ExcitationSourceList
add(ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
add(C) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
Adds a component to this MutableCompositeComponent.
add(C, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
add(C) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentListImpl
add(C, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentListImpl
add(C) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.MutableCompositeComponent
Adds a component to this MutableCompositeComponent.
add(C) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableComponentList
add(C) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScannableList
add(int, C) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScannableList
add(TransformableGeometry) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.TransformGeometryContext
Adds a transformable component to this context.
add(TransformableGeometry, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.TransformGeometryContext
Adds a transformable component to this context, with the specified flags settings.
add(E) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ListBase
add(E) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SetBase
add(WayPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPointProbe
Adds a waypoint to this probe, and returns any waypoint that previously occupied the same time slot.
add(Identity) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.SimpleIdentityRepository
add(byte[]) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.SimpleIdentityRepository
add(Boundable, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVFeatureQuery.NearestKCollector
add(Boundable, double) - Method in interface maspack.geometry.BVFeatureQuery.ObjectDistanceCollector
add(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.HashedPointSet
add(Vertex3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dList
add(Vertex3dNode) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dList
add(NumericListKnot) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Adds a knot into this numeric list.
add(Vector, double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Creates a knot with the specified values and time and adds it into this numeric list.
add(double, double...) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Creates a knot with the specified values and time and adds it into this numeric list.
add(NumericListKnot, NumericListKnot) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
add(DenseMatrixBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DenseMatrixBase
Adds matrix M to this matrix provided dimensions match
add(DualQuaternion, DualQuaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Adds two dual quaternions and places the result in this
add(DualQuaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Adds the supplied dual quaternion to this
add(DualScalar, DualScalar) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualScalar
Adds dual numbers d1+d2 and places this result in this dual number
add(DualScalar) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualScalar
Adds the supplied dual number to this
add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1
Adds this matrix to M and places the result in this matrix.
add(Matrix1x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1
Adds the contents of a Matrix1x1 to this matrix block.
add(Matrix1x1, Matrix1x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1
Computes M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
Adds this matrix to M and places the result in this matrix.
add(Matrix1x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
Adds the contents of a Matrix1x3 to this matrix block.
add(Matrix1x3, Matrix1x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
Computes M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
Adds this matrix to M and places the result in this matrix.
add(Matrix1x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
Adds the contents of a Matrix1x6 to this matrix block.
add(Matrix1x6, Matrix1x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
Computes M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
add(Matrix2dBase, Matrix2dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Adds matrix M1 to M2 and places the result in this matrix.
add(Matrix2dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Adds this matrix to M1 and places the result in this matrix.
add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x2Block
Adds the contents of a Matrix to this matrix block.
add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
Adds this matrix to M and places the result in this matrix.
add(Matrix2x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
Adds the contents of a Matrix2x3 to this matrix block.
add(Matrix2x3, Matrix2x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
Computes M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Adds this matrix to M and places the result in this matrix.
add(Matrix2x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Adds the contents of a Matrix2x6 to this matrix block.
add(Matrix2x6, Matrix2x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Computes M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
add(Matrix3dBase, Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Adds matrix M1 to M2 and places the result in this matrix.
add(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Adds this matrix to M1 and places the result in this matrix.
add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
Adds this matrix to M and places the result in this matrix.
add(Matrix3x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
Adds the contents of a Matrix3x1 to this matrix block.
add(Matrix3x1, Matrix3x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
Computes M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
Adds this matrix to M and places the result in this matrix.
add(Matrix3x2) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
Adds the contents of a Matrix3x2 to this matrix block.
add(Matrix3x2, Matrix3x2) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
Computes M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3Block
Adds the contents of a Matrix to this matrix block.
add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Adds this matrix to M and places the result in this matrix.
add(Matrix3x4) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Adds the contents of a Matrix3x4 to this matrix block.
add(Matrix3x4, Matrix3x4) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Computes M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Adds this matrix to M and places the result in this matrix.
add(Matrix3x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Adds the contents of a Matrix3x6 to this matrix block.
add(Matrix3x6, Matrix3x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Computes M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
add(Matrix4dBase, Matrix4dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Adds matrix M1 to M2 and places the result in this matrix.
add(Matrix4dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Adds this matrix to M1 and places the result in this matrix.
add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Adds this matrix to M and places the result in this matrix.
add(Matrix4x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Adds the contents of a Matrix4x3 to this matrix block.
add(Matrix4x3, Matrix4x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Computes M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x4Block
Adds the contents of a Matrix to this matrix block.
add(Matrix6dBase, Matrix6dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Adds matrix M1 to M2 and places the result in this matrix.
add(Matrix6dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Adds this matrix to M1 and places the result in this matrix.
add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBlock
Adds the contents of a Matrix to this matrix block.
add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
Adds this matrix to M and places the result in this matrix.
add(Matrix6x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
Adds the contents of a Matrix6x1 to this matrix block.
add(Matrix6x1, Matrix6x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
Computes M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Adds this matrix to M and places the result in this matrix.
add(Matrix6x2) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Adds the contents of a Matrix6x2 to this matrix block.
add(Matrix6x2, Matrix6x2) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Computes M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Adds this matrix to M and places the result in this matrix.
add(Matrix6x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Adds the contents of a Matrix6x3 to this matrix block.
add(Matrix6x3, Matrix6x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Computes M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
add(Matrix) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.MatrixBlock
Adds the contents of a Matrix to this matrix block.
add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockBase
Adds the contents of a Matrix to this matrix block.
add(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockColList
add(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockRowList
add(int, int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Adds a value to the indicated entry.
add(MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Adds this matrix to M and places the result in this matrix.
add(MatrixNd, MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Adds matrix M1 to M2 and places the result in this matrix.
add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNdBlock
Adds the contents of a Matrix to this matrix block.
add(Quaternion, Quaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Adds q1 quaternion to q2 and places the result in this quaternion.
add(Quaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Adds this quaternion to q1 and places the result in this quaternion.
add(SparseBlockMatrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
add(SparseBlockMatrix, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
add(SparseCRSMatrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Adds this matrix to M and places the result in this matrix.
add(SparseCRSMatrix, SparseCRSMatrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Adds matrix M1 to M2 and places the result in this matrix.
add(int, int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
add(SparseMatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Adds this matrix to M and places the result in this matrix.
add(SparseMatrixNd, SparseMatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Adds matrix M1 to M2 and places the result in this matrix.
add(SparseVectorNd, SparseVectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Adds vector v1 to v2 and places the result in this vector.
add(SparseVectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Adds this vector to v1 and places the result in this vector.
add(SymmetricMatrix3d, SymmetricMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Adds matrix M1 to M2 and places the result in this matrix.
add(SymmetricMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Adds this matrix to M1 and places the result in this matrix.
add(Vector2d, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Adds vector v1 to v2 and places the result in this vector.
add(Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Adds this vector to v1 and places the result in this vector.
add(double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Adds specified increments to the components of this vector.
add(Vector2i, Vector2i) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Adds vector v1 to v2 and places the result in this vector.
add(Vector2i) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Adds this vector to v1 and places the result in this vector.
add(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Adds vector v1 to v2 and places the result in this vector.
add(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Adds this vector to v1 and places the result in this vector.
add(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Adds specified increments to the components of this vector.
add(Vector3i, Vector3i) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Adds vector v1 to v2 and places the result in this vector.
add(Vector3i) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Adds this vector to v1 and places the result in this vector.
add(Vector4d, Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Adds vector v1 to v2 and places the result in this vector.
add(Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Adds this vector to v1 and places the result in this vector.
add(double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Adds specified increments to the components of this vector.
add(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Adds vector v1 to v2 and places the result in this vector.
add(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Adds this vector to v1 and places the result in this vector.
add(int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Adds a value to the i-th element of this vector.
add(VectorNi, VectorNi) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Adds vector v1 to v2 and places the result in this vector.
add(VectorNi) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Adds this vector to v1 and places the result in this vector.
add(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Adds a value to the i-th element of this vector.
add(String, String, Object, String, Object, String) - Method in class
add(String, String, Object, String, Object) - Method in class
add(PropertyInfo) - Method in class
add(PropertyDesc) - Method in class
Adds a new property to this list.
add(String, String, Object, String) - Method in class
Adds a new property to this list, creating the appropriate description from the supplied arguments.
add(String, String, Object) - Method in class
Adds a new property to this list, creating the appropriate description from the supplied arguments.
add(GL3VertexAttributeInfo) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeMap
add(IsRenderable) - Method in class maspack.render.SortedRenderableList
Adds an element to this set, sorted ascending by the zOrder parameter if exists (otherwise assumed zOrder = 0).
add(IsRenderable, int) - Method in class maspack.render.SortedRenderableList
Adds an element to this set, sorted ascending by the zOrder parameter if exists.
ADD - Static variable in class maspack.render.ViewerSelectionEvent
Flag indicating that selected objects should be added to the current selection.
add(SpatialInertia) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Adds this spatial inertia to M1 and places the result in this spatial inertia.
add(SpatialInertia, SpatialInertia) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Adds spatial inertia M1 to M2 and places the result in this spatial inertia.
add(Twist, Twist) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Twist
Adds twist tw1 to tw2 and places the result in this twist.
add(Twist) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Twist
Adds this twist to tw1 and places the result in this twist.
add(Wrench, Wrench) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Wrench
Adds wrench wr1 to wr2 and places the result in this wrench.
add(Wrench) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Wrench
Adds this wrench to wr1 and places the result in this wrench.
add(E) - Method in class maspack.util.BinaryHeap
Inserts an element into the Binary Heap
add(A) - Method in class maspack.util.CountedList
add(int, A) - Method in class maspack.util.CountedList
add(DataBuffer.Offsets) - Method in class maspack.util.DataBuffer.Offsets
add(T) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicArray
Adds a new item to the back of the dynamic array, growing the size by one
add(boolean) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicBooleanArray
add(byte) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicByteArray
add(double) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicDoubleArray
add(int) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicIntArray
add(int) - Method in class maspack.util.IndexedBinaryHeap
Inserts data element idx into the heap
add(T) - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
add(int, T) - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
add1DConstraintBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix, int, double, ContactPoint, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
add1DConstraintBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix, int, double, ContactPoint, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
add1DConstraintBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix, int, double, ContactPoint, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.ElementConnection
add1DConstraintBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix, int, double, ContactPoint, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FemConnection
add1DConstraintBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix, int, double, ContactPoint, Vector3d) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactMaster
Adds blocks to the constraint matrix GT to implement a 1D constraint in a specified direction.
add1DConstraintBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix, int, double, ContactPoint, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
add1DConstraintBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix, int, double, ContactPoint, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointParticleAttachment
add1DConstraintBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix, int, double, ContactPoint, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.VertexContactMaster
add1DFrictionConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, ArrayList<FrictionInfo>, double, double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
add1dMuscles() - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel
add2DConstraintBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix, int, double, ContactPoint, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
add2DConstraintBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix, int, double, ContactPoint, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
add2DConstraintBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix, int, double, ContactPoint, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.ElementConnection
add2DConstraintBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix, int, double, ContactPoint, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FemConnection
add2DConstraintBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix, int, double, ContactPoint, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactMaster
Adds blocks to the constraint matrix GT to implement a 2D constraint in two specified directions.
add2DConstraintBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix, int, double, ContactPoint, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
add2DConstraintBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix, int, double, ContactPoint, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointParticleAttachment
add2DConstraintBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix, int, double, ContactPoint, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.VertexContactMaster
add2DFrictionConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, ArrayList<FrictionInfo>, double, double, double, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
add2dLabeledMuscles(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel
add3dMuscles() - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel
ADD_BLOCKS - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemBeam3d
ADD_DISPLACEMENT - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemBeam3d
add_element(T, Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class maspack.collision.AccelerationGrid
ADD_HEADER_COMMENT - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeNumberWriter
Flag that causes the output to start with a comment identifying the FEM model to which the nodes belong.
ADD_MUSCLES - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemBeam3d
addAction(TransformGeometryAction) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.TransformGeometryContext
Adds an action to be called within the TransformGeometryContext.apply(maspack.geometry.GeometryTransformer, int) method after the TransformableGeometry.transformGeometry(maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase) methods have been called for all the transformables.
addActions(EditActionMap, SelectionManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.EditorBase
Adds editing actions that can be provided by this editor, for a given selection context, to an action map.
addActions(EditActionMap, SelectionManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.FemMeshCompEditor
addActions(EditActionMap, SelectionManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.FemModel3dEditor
addActions(EditActionMap, SelectionManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.FemMuscleModelEditor
addActions(EditActionMap, SelectionManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.FrameMarkerEditor
addActions(EditActionMap, SelectionManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.IsRenderableEditor
addActions(EditActionMap, SelectionManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MechModelEditor
addActions(EditActionMap, SelectionManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MeshBodyEditor
addActions(EditActionMap, SelectionManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MuscleBundleEditor
addActions(EditActionMap, SelectionManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MuscleEditor
addActions(EditActionMap, SelectionManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MuscleExciterEditor
addActions(EditActionMap, SelectionManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.ProbeEditor
addActions(EditActionMap, SelectionManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.RigidBodyEditor
addActions(EditActionMap, SelectionManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.RootModelEditor
addActions(EditActionMap, SelectionManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.TrackingControllerEditor
addActiveMassMatrix(MechSystem, SparseBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
addActivePosImpulse(VectorNd, double, VectorNd) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Computes an adjustment to the active positions of the system (stored in the vector q) by applying a velocity u for time h.
addActivePosImpulse(VectorNd, double, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
addAffine(AffineTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds a new affine transform that can be referenced to create an instance.
addAffineInstance(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds an instance based on affine index
addAfter(Vertex3dNode, Vertex3dNode) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dList
addAlias(String, Class<?>) - Static method in class maspack.util.ClassAliases
addAlias(String, String) - Static method in class maspack.util.ClassAliases
addAll(Collection<? extends C>) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
addAll(Collection<? extends C>) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScannableList
addAll(Collection<? extends TransformableGeometry>) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.TransformGeometryContext
Adds a set of transformable components to this context.
addAll(Collection<? extends IsRenderable>) - Method in class maspack.render.SortedRenderableList
Adds all elements in c to this set.
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class maspack.util.BinaryHeap
addAll(Collection<? extends A>) - Method in class maspack.util.CountedList
addAll(int, Collection<? extends A>) - Method in class maspack.util.CountedList
addAll(Collection<T>) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicArray
Adds a collection of items to the dynamic array, growing the size of the array to fit all elements.
addAll(DynamicArray<T>) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicArray
Adds a collection of items to the dynamic array, growing the size of the array to fit all elements
addAll(boolean[]) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicBooleanArray
addAll(DynamicBooleanArray) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicBooleanArray
addAll(byte[]) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicByteArray
addAll(DynamicByteArray) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicByteArray
addAll(double[]) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicDoubleArray
addAll(DynamicDoubleArray) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicDoubleArray
addAll(int[]) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicIntArray
addAll(DynamicIntArray) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicIntArray
addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
addAll(int, Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
addAndAdjustRotations(NumericListKnot) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Adds a knot into this numeric list, and adjust the value of any rotation subvector to the (redundant) representation "closest" to that in the nearest existing knot.
addAndRemoveSelected(List<? extends ModelComponent>, List<? extends ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionManager
addAngleWeightedNormal(Vector3d, HalfEdge) - Method in class maspack.geometry.HalfEdge
addAntagonist() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.MuscleArm
addAntagonist() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SkinDemo
addApplyListener(ActionListener) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.SmoothingDialog
addArrayElement(A, P) - Method in interface maspack.json.JSONFactory
Add an element to an array
addArrayElement(ArrayList<Object>, Object) - Method in class maspack.json.JSONFactoryDefault
addAttachment(DynamicAttachmentComp) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
addAttachmentJacobian(DynamicAttachment, SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, boolean[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentWorker
Reduces the system matrix to account for this attachment.
addAttachmentJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
addAttachmentRequest(AttachingComponent) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicComponent
addAttachmentRequest(AttachingComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicComponentBase
addAttachmentSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
addAttribute(String, HashMap<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class
addAttribute(MayaAsciiReader.MayaAttribute) - Method in class
addAugmentingMaterial(FemMaterial) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
addAuthenticator(URIxMatcher, UserAuthenticator) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthDataManager
Adds an authenticator that can respond to domain/username/password requests.
addAuthenticator(URIxMatcher, UserAuthenticator) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileCacher
addAuxiliaryMaterial(AuxiliaryMaterial) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
addAuxMaterialBundle(AuxMaterialBundle) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
addAxialSpring(AxialSpring) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
addAxisFlips(LinkedList<RotationMatrix3d>, RotationMatrix3d, Vector3d, int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ICPRegistration
addBackRefs() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNodeNodeAttachment
addBackRefs() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeFrameNodeAttachment
addBackRefs() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachment
Every master component should contain a back reference to each attachment that references it.
addBackRefs(DynamicAttachment) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentBase
addBackRefs() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentBase
Every master component should contain a back reference to each attachment that references it.
addBackRefsIfConnected() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
Add backrefs if this attachment is connected *and* controlling a point
addBasicProps(Class, String[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AddComponentAgent
addBeamMuscles() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
addBefore(Vertex3dNode, Vertex3dNode) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dList
addBilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
addBilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
addBilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
addBilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dConstraint
addBilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Appends the current bilateral force constraint matrix Gc^T to the matrix GT, by appending block columns to it.
addBilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int, int[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
addBilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
addBilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
addBilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.Constrainer
Appends the current bilateral force constraint matrix Gc^T to the matrix GT, by appending block columns to it.
addBilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ConstrainerBase
addBilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
addBilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointCoordinateCoupling
addBilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.LinearPointConstraint
addBilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleConstraintBase
addBilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SimpleCoordinateCoupler
addBilateralExciters(FemMuscleModel) - Static method in class artisynth.demos.fem.EmbeddedTongue
addBlankInputProbeProperty() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.InputNumericProbeEditor
Adds a blank input probe property.
addBlock(int, int, MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
addBlock(int, int, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
addBlock(int, int, MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseNumberedBlockMatrix
addBodies(PolygonalMesh) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.InverseTest
addBody(String, RigidTransform3d, String) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.DoubleArmDemo
addBody(String, String) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.FrameSpringDemo
addBody(String, String) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.LaymanModel
addBody(String, RigidTransform3d, String) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.MuscleArm
addBody(String, RigidTransform3d, String) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SkinDemo
addBody(String, RigidTransform3d, String) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.WrappedMuscleArm
addBody(MechModel, String) - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.RigidBodySkinning
addBodyConnector(BodyConnector) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
addBodyProbe(FixedMeshBody) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MeshBodyTest
addBone(MechModel, String) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.TransformGeometryTest
addBone(MechModel, String) - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.LumbarFEMDisk
addBone(MechModel, String) - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.LumbarFrameSpring
addBox() - Method in class maspack.apps.NURBSCurve2dTest
addBreakPoint(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
addBreakPoint(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
addBundleControls(ControlPanel, FemMuscleModel) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.FemControlPanel
addBundleControls(ControlPanel, MFreeMuscleModel) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
addBundles() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
addBundlesToPanel(ControlPanel, FemMuscleModel, boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.FemControlPanel
addButton(DraggerToolBar.ButtonType) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DraggerToolBar
addButton(String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.OptionPanel
addButton(String, int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.OptionPanel
addCenter() - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel
addChild(MenuNode) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuEntry
addChild(int, MenuNode) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuEntry
addChild(BVNode) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVNode
Adds a child volume to this bounding volume.
addChild(Node<T>) - Method in class maspack.graph.Node
Adds a child to the list of children for this Node<T>.
addChild(PropertyInfo, Object) - Method in class
addChild(PropTreeCell) - Method in class
addChild(TestNode) - Method in class
addChildren(List<Node<T>>) - Method in class maspack.graph.Node
Adds a list of children to this Node<T>.
addChildren(PropTreeCell) - Method in class
Adds the children of root to this cell.
addClipPlane() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Creates and add a clip plane to this viewer.
addClipPlane(RigidTransform3d, double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Creates and add a clip plane to this viewer.
addClipPlane(GLClipPlane) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Adds a clip plane to this viewer.
addClipPlane() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Creates and add a clip plane to this viewer.
addClipPlane(RigidTransform3d, double) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Creates and add a clip plane to this viewer.
addClipPlane(GLClipPlane) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Adds a clip plane to this viewer.
addCol(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
addColor(byte, byte, byte, byte) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds an indexable color
addColor(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds an indexable color
addColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds an indexable color
addColor(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds an indexable color.
addColor(Color) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds an indexable color
addColor(byte[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds an indexable color by reference.
addColor(byte, byte, byte, byte) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds an indexable color
addColor(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds an indexable color
addColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds an indexable color
addColor(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds an indexable color.
addColor(Color) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds an indexable color
addColor(byte[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds an indexable color by reference.
addColor(byte, byte, byte, byte) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Adds an indexable color
addColor(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Adds an indexable color
addColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Adds an indexable color
addColor(byte[]) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Adds an indexable color
addCols(int[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
addCommand(Command) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.UndoManager
Add a single command that has been executed and should be undone on it's own.
addCommand(Command, CompositeState) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.UndoManager
Add a single command that has been executed and should be undone on it's own.
AddComponentAgent<E extends ModelComponent> - Class in artisynth.core.gui.editorManager
A base class used to create agents for adding components.
AddComponentAgent(Main, ComponentList<?>, CompositeComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AddComponentAgent
addComponentChangeListener(ComponentChangeListener) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
addComponents(ModelComponent[], int[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehaviorList
addComponents(ModelComponent[], int[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionResponseList
addComponents(ModelComponent[], int[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
Adds a set of components to this MutableCompositeComponent.
addComponents(ModelComponent[], int[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentListImpl
Returns true if the added components are stateless
addComponents(List<? extends ModelComponent>, int[], List<MutableCompositeComponent<?>>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
addComponents(List<? extends ModelComponent>, int[], MutableCompositeComponent<?>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
addComponents(List<? extends ModelComponent>, int[], List<MutableCompositeComponent<?>>, boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
addComponents(ModelComponent[], int[], int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.MutableCompositeComponent
Adds a set of components to this MutableCompositeComponent.
AddComponentsCommand - Class in artisynth.core.gui.editorManager
AddComponentsCommand(String, LinkedList<ModelComponent>, LinkedList<MutableCompositeComponent<?>>) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AddComponentsCommand
AddComponentsCommand(String, LinkedList<? extends ModelComponent>, MutableCompositeComponent<?>) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AddComponentsCommand
AddComponentsCommand(String, ModelComponent, MutableCompositeComponent<?>) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AddComponentsCommand
addComponentsInReverse(List<? extends ModelComponent>, int[], List<MutableCompositeComponent<?>>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
addComponentType(Class) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AddComponentAgent
addComponentType(Class, String[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AddComponentAgent
addConForceProbe(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.ForceTargetDemo
addConnectedMasterRefs(AttachingComponent, CompositeComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentBase
addConnector(BodyConnector) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
addConnector(BodyConnector) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ConnectableBody
addConnector(BodyConnector) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
addConsistentGravity(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
addConsistentMass(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
addConstrainer(Constrainer) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
Adds a Constrainer to the list returned by DynamicAgent.getConstrainers().
addConstrainer(Constrainer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicComponentBase
addConstrainer(ConstrainerBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
addConstraintBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
addConstraintForceTarget(BodyConnector) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Adds a body connector for constraint force tracking and creates a corresponding ConstraintForceTarget for specifying the target force and weights.
addConstraintForceTarget(BodyConnector, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Adds a body connector for constraint force tracking and creates a corresponding ConstraintForceTarget for specifying the target force and weights.
addConstraintTerm(QPConstraintTerm) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Adds a constraint term to this controller.
addContactBlock(MechModel) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatDemo
addContiguousTrack(Track) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
addController(Controller) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
addController(Controller, Model) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
addController(Controller, Model) - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel
addControlPanel(ControlPanel) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
addControlPanel(ControlPanel, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
addControlPanel(MechModel) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.AttachDemo
addControlPanel(MechModel, FemModel3d) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.Fem3dBlock
addControlPanel(MechModel, FemModel3d) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemBeam3d
addControlPanel(MechModel, FemModel3d) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemBeamMech
addControlPanel() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemMuscleArm
addControlPanel() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HexCube
addControlPanel() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.LockingDemo
addControlPanel() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.QuadraticLockingDemo
addControlPanel() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SpongeDemo
addControlPanel() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.TetCube
addControlPanel(MechModel) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.ArticulatedBeamBody
addControlPanel(MechModel) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.ArticulatedDemo
addControlPanel(MechModel) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.AttachedBeamBody
addControlPanel(MechModel) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.BeamBodyCollide
addControlPanel(MechModel) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.MechModelCollide
addControlPanel(MechModel) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.MechModelDemo
addControlPanel() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.MuscleArm
addControlPanel() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.WrappedMuscleArm
addControlPoint(Vector4d, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSCurve2d
addControlPoint(Vector4d, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSCurveBase
Add an additional control point and knot to the end of this curve.
addControls(ControlPanel, FemModel, ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeModel3d
addControls(ControlPanel, FemModel, ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
addCoordinateSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
addCoordinateVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, int, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
addCopyComponents(List<ModelComponent>, ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
addCopyOfChildrenAndData(PropTreeCell) - Method in class
Add to this node's children a copy of all the children (and their data objects) of cell.
addCopyReferences(List<ModelComponent>, ModelComponent, ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
addCostTerm(QPCostTerm) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Adds a cost term to this controller.
addCurve(RenderObject) - Method in interface artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer.EdgeCurve
Adds line segments for this curve
addCurve(RenderObject, FeatureIndexArray) - Method in interface artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer.EdgeCurve
Adds line segments for this curve
addCurve(RenderObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer.LinearEdgeCurve
addCurve(RenderObject, FeatureIndexArray) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer.LinearEdgeCurve
addCurve(RenderObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer.QuadEdgeCurve
addCurve(RenderObject, FeatureIndexArray) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer.QuadEdgeCurve
addCurve() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
addCurve(MeshCurve) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
addCutPlane(FemCutPlane) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
addDampingForce(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
addDampingTerm() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
addDampingTerm(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
addData(File, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericControlProbe
addData(double[], double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericControlProbe
Adds one or more data samples to internal data list.

Samples can be evenly distributed with given time step or time of each sample can be explicitly set.
addData(double, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericControlProbe
Adds data to internal data list.
addData(double, double[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericControlProbe
addData(double, Vector) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericControlProbe
Adds data to internal data list.
addData(ReaderTokenizer, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericControlProbe
addData(File, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
addData(double[], double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
Adds one or more data points to this probe's numeric data.
addData(double, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
Adds data to internal data list.
addData(double, double[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
addData(double, Vector) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
Adds data to internal data list.
addData(double, Matrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
addData(ReaderTokenizer, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
addDataFrame(HasNumericState) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.NumericState
addDataItem(String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.AutoCompleteStringField
Adds a word to the dictionary
addDataList(Collection<String>) - Method in class maspack.widgets.AutoCompleteStringField
Adds to the list of words from which to autocomplete
addDeflectionProbes() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.KnotDensityTest3
addDeformedFrameForce(RigidTransform3d, Wrench) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
Adds to this body's elastic forces the forces arising from applying a wrench f on an attached frame.
addDiagonal(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Adds s to the diagonal elements of this matrix.
addDiagonal(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Adds a diagonal term to this matrix whose elements are specified by an array.
addDiagonal(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Adds a diagonal term to this matrix whose elements are specified by the leading elements of an array of doubles
addDiagonal(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Adds d to the diagonal of this matrix.
addDilationalStiffness(double, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
addDilationalStiffness(double, Matrix3x1, Matrix3x1) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
addDilationalStiffness(MatrixNd, MatrixBlock, MatrixBlock) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
addDilationalStiffness(Matrix3d, double, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemUtilities
Adds dilational stiffness to the node-to-node stiffness matrix Kij.
addDilationalStiffness(Matrix3d, double, Matrix3x1, Matrix3x1) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemUtilities
Adds dilational stiffness to the node-to-node stiffness matrix Kij.
addDilationalStiffness(Matrix3d, MatrixNd, MatrixBlock, MatrixBlock) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemUtilities
Adds dilational stiffness to the node-to-node stiffness matrix Kij.
addDirectory(File) - Method in class maspack.util.FileSearchPath
addDirectory(int, File) - Method in class maspack.util.FileSearchPath
addDisplacementProbes(FemNode3d, MechModel, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemBeam3d
addDisplacementProbes(int, MechModel, LinkedList<FemNode3d>, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemBeam3d
addDragger(Dragger3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
addDragger(Dragger3d) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Adds an application-defined dragger fixture to this viewer.
addDragger(Dragger3d) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Adds an application-defined dragger fixture to this viewer.
addDraggerToolBar(DraggerToolBar.ButtonType...) - Method in class maspack.widgets.ViewerFrame
addDrawPoint(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrapPath
Adds the given point to the list of draw points.
addDyad(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Adds the dyad
addEdge(DirectedEdge<A, B>) - Method in class maspack.graph.DirectedGraph
addEdge(DirectedEdge<A, B>) - Method in class maspack.graph.Vertex
addEdges(RenderObject, FeatureIndexArray, List<FemElementRenderer.EdgeCurve>, FemElement3dBase, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer
addEditor(EditorBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.EditorManager
addEffectiveFrameMass(SpatialInertia, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EBBeamBody
Adds a frame inertia to the effective spatial inertia for this Frame.
addEffectiveFrameMass(SpatialInertia, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
Adds a frame inertia to the effective spatial inertia for this Frame.
addEffectiveFrameMass(SpatialInertia, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Adds a frame inertia to the effective spatial inertia for this Frame.
addEffectiveMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
addEffectiveMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
addEffectiveMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Particle
addEffectiveMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
addEffectivePointMass(double, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
Adds a point mass to the effective spatial inertia for this Frame.
addEffectivePointMass(double, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EBBeamBody
Adds a point mass to the effective spatial inertia for this Frame.
addEffectivePointMass(double, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
Adds a point mass to the effective spatial inertia for this Frame.
addEffectivePointMass(double, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Adds a point mass to the effective spatial inertia for this Frame.
addElasticForce(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
addElement(AuxMaterialElementDesc) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
addElement(FemElement3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
addElement(FemElement3d, double[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
addElement(FemElement3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
addElement(FemElement3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MaterialBundle
addElement(MuscleElementDesc) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
addElement(FemElement3dBase, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
addElement(FemElement3dBase, Vector3d[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
addElementDependency(FemElement3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
addElementPos(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.ElementConnection
addElements(Collection<? extends FemElement3d>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
addElementsNearFibres(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
addEmptyFaceVertices(Vertex3dList, HalfEdge, IntersectionPoint, IntersectionPoint, PenetrationRegion, Vertex3d, boolean, boolean) - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersector
addEndPoint() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.DoubleArmDemo
addEndPoint() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.MuscleArm
addEndPoint() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SkinDemo
addEndPoint() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.WrappedMuscleArm
addEnergyDensity(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
addEntry(String, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.AliasTable
Adds an alias and it's corresponding name to this AliasTable.
addEntry(SparseMatrixCell, SparseMatrixCell, SparseMatrixCell) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
addEntry(SparseVectorCell, SparseVectorCell) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
AddEntryCommand(int, String, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.ExtClassPathEditor.AddEntryCommand
addEquationGUI(AddEquationPane) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.NumericProbeEditor
addErrorProbes() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.KnotDensityTest3
addExcitationSource(ExcitationComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
Adds a new excitation source to this Excitable with a specified gain.
addExcitationSource(ExcitationComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
Adds a new excitation source to this Excitable with a specified gain.
addExcitationSource(ExcitationComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
Adds a new excitation source to this Excitable with a specified gain.
addExcitationSource(ExcitationComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter
Adds a new excitation source to this Excitable with a specified gain.
addExcitationSource(ExcitationComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.PointExciter
Adds a new excitation source to this Excitable with a specified gain.
addExcitationSource(ExcitationComponent, double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ExcitationComponent
Adds a new excitation source to this Excitable with a specified gain.
addExcitationSource(ExcitationComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
Adds a new excitation source to this Excitable with a specified gain.
addExcitationSource(ExcitationComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
Adds a new excitation source to this Excitable with a specified gain.
addExcitationSource(ExcitationComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MuscleExciter
Adds a new excitation source to this Excitable with a specified gain.
addExcitationSource(ExcitationComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
Adds a new excitation source to this Excitable with a specified gain.
addExciter(ExcitationComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Adds an excitation component to the set of exciters that can be used by the controller.
addExciter(double, ExcitationComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Adds an excitation component to the set of exciters that can be used by the controller.
addExciters(Collection<? extends ExcitationComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Adds a collection of excitation component to the set of exciters that can be used by the controller.
addExciters() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
addExcitersToPanel(ControlPanel, FemMuscleModel) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.FemControlPanel
addExplicitPropertyTree(HasProperties) - Method in class
Recursively populates this cell with all the explicitly set inheritable properties accessible from a given host.
addExtension(String) - Method in class maspack.util.GenericFileFilter
addExternalElasticForce(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
addExternalForce(Wrench) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
addExternalForce(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
addExtraWidget(Property, double, double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.ExpandablePropertyPanel
addExtraWidget(Property) - Method in class maspack.widgets.ExpandablePropertyPanel
addExtraWidget(String, LabeledComponentBase) - Method in class maspack.widgets.ExpandablePropertyPanel
addExtraWidget(Component) - Method in class maspack.widgets.ExpandablePropertyPanel
addExtraWidget(Component, int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.ExpandablePropertyPanel
addExtraWidgets(Iterable<?>) - Method in class maspack.widgets.ExpandablePropertyPanel
addFace(int[]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Adds a face to this mesh.
addFace(Vertex3d[]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Adds a face to this mesh.
addFace(Vertex3d, Vertex3d, Vertex3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Adds a triangular face to this mesh.
addFace(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Adds a triangular face to this mesh.
addFace(Vertex3d, Vertex3d, Vertex3d, Vertex3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Adds a quad face to this mesh.
addFace(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Adds a quad face to this mesh.
addFaces(RenderObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer.QuadFacePatch
addFaces(RenderObject, FeatureIndexArray) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer.QuadFacePatch
addFaces(RenderObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer.QuadraticQuadFacePatch
addFaces(RenderObject, FeatureIndexArray) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer.QuadraticQuadFacePatch
addFaces(RenderObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer.QuadraticTriFacePatch
addFaces(RenderObject, FeatureIndexArray) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer.QuadraticTriFacePatch
addFaces(RenderObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer.TriangulatedFacePatch
addFaces(RenderObject, FeatureIndexArray) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer.TriangulatedFacePatch
addFaces(RenderObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer.TriFacePatch
addFaces(RenderObject, FeatureIndexArray) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer.TriFacePatch
addFaces(RenderObject) - Method in interface artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer.WidgetFacePatch
Adds triangles for widget face
addFaces(RenderObject, FeatureIndexArray) - Method in interface artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer.WidgetFacePatch
adds triangles for widget face
addFadeIn(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.TransparencyProbe
addFadeOut(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.TransparencyProbe
addFascicle(LinkedList<Muscle>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
addFem(FemModel3d, FemModel3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Adds a copy of the nodes, elements, markers and attachments from fem1 to fem0.
addFem(FemModel3d, FemModel3d, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Adds a copy of the nodes, elements, markers and attachments from fem1 to fem0.
addFem(String, FemElement3d, Point3d, Color) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MonteCarloElementTests
addFem(String, FemElement3d, Point3d, Color) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.RegularSamplingElementTests
addFem3dControls(ControlPanel, FemModel, ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.FemControlPanel
addFemControls(ControlPanel, FemModel, ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.FemControlPanel
addFemModel(FemModel3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
addFemMuscle(Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemMuscleArm
addFiberMesh() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SkinDemo
addFiberMeshBundle(double, PolylineMesh) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
addFiberMeshBundle(double, PolylineMesh) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
addFiberMeshElements(double, PolylineMesh) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
addFibre(Point, Point, AxialMaterial) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
addFibre(Point, Point, AxialMaterial, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
addFibre(Muscle) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
addField(FieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
addField(FieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
addFile(FileObject, FileObject) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.MultiFileTransferMonitor
Adds a file to be monitored.
addFile(FileObject, long) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.MultiFileTransferMonitor
Adds a file to be monitored.
addFile(FileObject, FileObject, long, String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.MultiFileTransferMonitor
Adds a file to be monitored.
addFilter(SelectionFilter) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionManager
addFirst(T) - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
Adds an element to the BEGINNING of this list
addFirstLink(T) - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
Adds a link to the front of the list
addFirstLink(LinkLinkedList.Link<T>) - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
Adds a link to the front of the list
addFixed(C) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
addForce(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
addForce(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
addForce(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
addForce(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
addForce(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
addForce(ForceTargetComponent, double, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTerm
addForce(ForceTargetComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTerm
addForce(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
addForce(double[], int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
addForce(Wrench) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
addForce(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
addForce(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
addForce(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
addForceEffector(ForceComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
addForceEffectorTarget(ForceTargetComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Adds a force effector component for force tracking and creates a corresponding ForceEffectorTarget for specifying the target force and weights.
addForceEffectorTarget(ForceTargetComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Adds a force effector component for force tracking and creates a corresponding ForceEffectorTarget for specifying the target force and weights.
addForceEffectorTarget(ForceTargetComponent, double, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Adds a force effector icomponent for force tracking and creates a corresponding ForceEffectorTarget for specifying the target force and weights.
addForceEffectorTerm() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
The force effector term is now allocated on demand by TrackingController.getForceEffectorTerm() and other methods.
addForceJacobian(SparseBlockMatrix, int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTarget
addForcePosJacobian(SparseBlockMatrix, double, boolean, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
addForcePosJacobian(SparseBlockMatrix, double, boolean, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ForceTargetComponent
Add a row to the force Jacobian for this force target component.
addForcePosJacobian(SparseBlockMatrix, double, boolean, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
addForceTarget(BodyConnector) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
addForceTarget(BodyConnector, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
addForceTarget(BodyConnector, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
addForceTarget(BodyConnector, VectorNd, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
addForceTargetTerm() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
addForceVelJacobian(SparseBlockMatrix, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
addForceVelJacobian(SparseBlockMatrix, double, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ForceTargetComponent
addForceVelJacobian(SparseBlockMatrix, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
addFrame(Frame) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
addFrame(Frame) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
addFrame(double, Collection<Vector3d>) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.MarkerMotionData
addFrame(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds a new frame that can be referenced to create an instance.
addFrameConnection(SkinMeshBody.FrameInfo, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
Adds a Frame connection to this attachment.
addFrameDamping(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameBlock
addFrameExciters(MechModel, Frame, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter
addFrameExciters(MechModel, Frame, boolean[], double[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter
Adds frame exciters for up to 6 components of a wrench on a frame.
addFrameForce(RigidTransform3d, Wrench) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
Adds to this body's forces the wrench arising from applying a wrench f on an attached frame.
addFrameForce(RigidTransform3d, Wrench) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
Adds to this body's forces the wrench arising from applying a wrench f on an attached frame.
addFrameInstance(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds an instance based on frame index
addFrameMarker(FrameMarker, Frame, Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
addFrameMarker(Frame, Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Creates and add a frame marker to a particular frame, with a location specified relative to the frame's coordinate frame
addFrameMarker(FrameMarker) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
addFrameMarkerWorld(Frame, Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Creates and add a frame marker to a particular frame, with a location specified in world coordinates
addFrameSpring(FrameSpring) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
addFrameSpring(RigidBody, RigidBody, double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.FrameSpringDemo
addFrameSpring(RigidBody, RigidBody, double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.LaymanModel
addFrameTarget(Frame, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
Adds a frame target to track
addFrameTarget(Frame) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
Adds a frame target to track with weight 1
addFrameTarget(Frame) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Adds a frame source for motion tracking and creates a corresponding target component for specifying the target force and weights.
addFrameTarget(Frame, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Adds a frame source for motion tracking and creates a corresponding target component for specifying the target force and weights.
addFrictionConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, ArrayList<FrictionInfo>, boolean, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
addFrictionConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, ArrayList<FrictionInfo>, boolean, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Appends the friction force constraint matrix Dc^T to the matrix DT, by appending block columns to it.
addFrictionConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, ArrayList<FrictionInfo>, boolean, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
addFrictionConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, ArrayList<FrictionInfo>, boolean, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
addFrictionConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, ArrayList<FrictionInfo>, boolean, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.Constrainer
Appends the friction force constraint matrix Dc^T to the matrix DT, by appending block columns to it.
addFrictionConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, ArrayList<FrictionInfo>, boolean, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ConstrainerBase
addFullMuscles() - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel
addGeneralMassBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
addGeneralMassBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
addGeneralMassBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
addGeneralMassBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemModel
addGeneralSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
addGeneratingMesh(MeshComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DistanceGridComp
addGeometricStiffness(Vector3d, SymmetricMatrix3d, Vector3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
Geometric strain-based stiffess
addGeometricStiffness(Matrix3d, Vector3d, SymmetricMatrix3d, Vector3d, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemUtilities
Adds the geometric stiffness defined by
addGL2Viewer(String, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.test.GL.MultiViewer
addGL3Viewer(String, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.test.GL.MultiViewer
addGLEventListener(GLEventListener) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Adds a listener to the end of the underlying drawable's queue
addGLEventListener(GLEventListener) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
addGLEventListener(int, GLEventListener) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
addGlobalValueChangeListener(ValueChangeListener) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
addGlobalValueChangeListener(ValueChangeListener) - Method in class maspack.widgets.CompositePropertyPanel
addGlobalValueChangeListener(ValueChangeListener) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
addGlobalValueChangeListener(ValueChangeListener) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyFrame
addGlobalValueChangeListener(ValueChangeListener) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
addGlobalValueChangeListener(ValueChangeListener) - Method in interface maspack.widgets.PropertyWindow
Add a value change listener to all property widgets in this window and its owned windows.
addGridDisplay() - Method in class maspack.widgets.ViewerFrame
addGroup(ObjectGroup) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SetBase
addHalfspaceBound(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.SphericalJointForceBound
Add a half-space bound to the spherical joint This vector is specified relative to a global coordinate frame
addHingeJoint(RigidBody, RigidBody, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.FrameSpringDemo
addHingeJoint(RigidBody, RigidBody, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.LaymanModel
addHingeJoint(RigidBody, RigidBody, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.LaymanModel
addHingeJoint(RigidBody, RigidBody, double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.ToyMuscleArm
Adds a hinge joint between body0 and body1, at world coordinates (x0,0,z0) and with the joint axis parallel to y.
addHorizontalButton(JComponent, String, ActionListener, String) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.GuiUtils
Creates a horizontal button and adds it to a JComponent.
addHorizontalSprings() - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel
addHost(HasProperties) - Method in class
addHumerus() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ShoulderWrapping
addIdentity(Identity) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.vfs.SimpleIdRepoFactory
addIdentityRepository(URIxMatcher, SimpleIdentityRepository) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileCacher
addIdentityRepository(URIxMatcher, SimpleIdentityRepository) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Adds an identity repository consisting of a set of private RSA keys for use with SFTP authentication.
addIfVisible(C) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderList
Calls the IsRenderable.prerender(maspack.render.RenderList) method for a specified renderable, and then adds it to this list if it is also visible.
addIfVisibleAll(Collection<? extends IsRenderable>) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderList
Calls RenderList.addIfVisible(C) for every renderable in a specified collection.
addImageDecoder(DicomImageDecoder) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomReader
Add a custom image decoder, the new decoder taking priority over existing ones if multiple decoders can handle a given DICOM file
addImageDecoderFirst(DicomImageDecoder) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomReader
Add a custom image decoder, the new decoder taking priority over existing ones if multiple decoders can handle a given DICOM file
addImageDecoderLast(DicomImageDecoder) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomReader
Add a custom image decoder, the new decoder will be the last to try, prioritizing existing decoders if multiple can handle a given DICOM file
addIncidentHalfEdge(HalfEdge) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3d
Adds a half-edge to the list of half-edges incident onto this vertex.
addIncompressibilityStiffness(double, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
addIncompressibilityStiffness(Matrix3d, double, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemUtilities
Adds stiffness for the incompressibility constraint to the node-to-node stiffness matrix Kij.
addIndentation(int) - Method in class maspack.util.IndentingPrintWriter
addIndentation(PrintWriter, int) - Static method in class maspack.util.IndentingPrintWriter
Tests a PrintWriter to see if it is an instance of and IndentingPrintWriter, and if it is, add a specified amount of indentation.
addIndirectNeighbor(FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
addInertiaToBlock(SpatialInertia) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameBlock
addInfo(int, DicomElement) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomHeader
Add DICOM header entry
addInheritable(String, String, Object, String) - Method in class
Adds a new inheritable property to this list, creating the appropriate description from the supplied arguments.
addInheritable(String, String, Object) - Method in class
Adds a new inheritable property to this list, creating the appropriate description from the supplied arguments.
addInheritableWithField(String, String, Object, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.FieldPropertyList
addInheritableWithField(String, String, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.FieldPropertyList
addInitialMembraneStiffness(ShellElement3d, FemMaterial, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.LinearMaterialCache
addInitialMembraneStiffness(ShellElement3d, AuxiliaryMaterial, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.LinearMaterialCache
addInitialShellStiffness(ShellElement3d, FemMaterial, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.LinearMaterialCache
addInitialShellStiffness(ShellElement3d, AuxiliaryMaterial, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.LinearMaterialCache
addInitialStiffness(FemElement3d, FemMaterial, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.LinearMaterialCache
Computes and stores the initial stiffness K00 and force f0 terms
addInitialStiffness(ShellElement3d, FemMaterial, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.LinearMaterialCache
Computes and stores the initial stiffness K00 and force f0 terms
addInitialStiffness(FemElement3d, AuxiliaryMaterial, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.LinearMaterialCache
Computes and stores the initial stiffness K00 and force f0 terms
addInitialStiffness(ShellElement3d, AuxiliaryMaterial, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.LinearMaterialCache
Computes and stores the initial stiffness K00 and force f0 terms
addInitialStiffness(FemElement3dBase, FemMaterial, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.StiffnessWarper3d
Adds linear stiffness contributions to an underlying cache
addInitialStiffness(FemElement3dBase, AuxiliaryMaterial, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.StiffnessWarper3d
Adds linear stiffness contributions to an underlying cache
addInputProbe(Probe) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
addInputProbe(Probe, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
addInputProbes(File) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.EmbeddedTongue
addInputVariable(String, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.InputNumericProbeEditor
called when the user adds a new input variable.
addInstance(RenderInstances.InstanceTransformType, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds an instance with supplied transform index, scale index and color index
addInstance(RenderInstances.InstanceTransformType, int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds an instance with supplied transform index, scale index and current color and scale
addInstance(float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds an instance by point
addInstance(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds an instance by point
addInstance(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds an instance by point
addInstance(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds an instance by frame
addInstance(AffineTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds an instance by affine
addIntegrationPoint(MFreeIntegrationPoint3d, IntegrationData3d, double, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
addInversePanel(RootModel, TrackingController) - Static method in class artisynth.core.inverse.InverseManager
Creates a control panel for the specified inverse tracking controller, and then adds it to a root model and positions it to the side of the main frame.
addItem(String, Point3d, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextLabeller3d
Adds a label to draw
addItem(String, Point3d, AffineTransform3dBase, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextLabeller3d
Adds a label to draw
addJoint() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.DoubleArmDemo
addJoint() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.MuscleArm
addJoint() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SkinDemo
addJoint() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.WrappedMuscleArm
addJoints() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.InverseTest
addKeyListener(KeyListener) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
Add a key listener to each of the viewers.
addKeyListener(KeyListener) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Adds a key listener to the underlying component
addKeyListener(KeyListener) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Adds a key listener to this viewer.
addKeyListener(KeyListener) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Adds a key listener to this viewer.
addKeyListener() - Method in class maspack.widgets.ViewerFrame
addKnot(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.TransparencyProbe
addKnot(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d
Adds another knot point to this cubic hermite spline, consisting of an x coordinate, along with y and y derivative values.
addKnot(int, CubicHermiteSpline1d.Knot) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d
addKnot(double, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d
Adds another knot point to this cubic hermite spline, consisting of an s coordinate, along with x and dxds values.
addKnot(double, double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline1d
Adds another knot point to this spline at a specified x coordinate.
addKnot(double, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline3d
Adds another knot point to this spline at a specified s coordinate.
addL2RegularizationTerm() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
addL2RegularizationTerm(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
addLabel(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
addLabel(String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
addLast(T) - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
Adds an element to the END of this list
addLastLink(T) - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
Adds a link to the end of the list
addLastLink(LinkLinkedList.Link<T>) - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
Adds a link to the end of the list
addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentLayout
addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LayoutTest
addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class maspack.widgets.VerticalGridLayout
Adds the specified component with the specified name to the layout.
addLeafProperties(HasProperties) - Method in class
addLeftToolPanel() - Method in class maspack.widgets.ViewerFrame
addLibrary(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LibraryInstaller
addLight(Light) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLLightManager
addLight(float[], float[], float[], float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
addLight(Light) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
addLight(Light) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Adds a specified light to this viewer and enables it.
addLine(int[]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolylineMesh
Adds a line to this mesh.
addLine(Vertex3d[]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolylineMesh
Adds a line to this mesh.
addLine(Polyline) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolylineMesh
Adds a line to this mesh.
addLine(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a line primitive between the supplied vertices.
addLine(float[], float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a line primitive between two new vertices defined at the supplied locations.
addLine(int, int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a line primitive between the supplied vertices.
addLine(float[], float[]) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a line primitive between two new vertices defined at the supplied locations.
addLinearFrameExciters(MechModel, Frame, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter
addLineLoop(int...) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a set of connected line segments between neighboring vertices in the supplied list of vertex indices.
addLineLoop(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a set of line primitives between neighboring vertices as specified by the supplied vertex range.
addLineLoop(int...) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a set of connected line segments between neighboring vertices in the supplied list of vertex indices.
addLineLoop(int, int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a set of line primitives between neighboring vertices as specified by the supplied vertex range.
addLines(int...) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a set of line primitives between pairs of vertices as specified by the supplied set of vertex indices.
addLines(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a set of line primitives between pairs of vertices as specified by the supplied vertex range.
addLines(Iterable<int[]>) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a set of line primitives between the supplied pairs of vertices.
addLines(int...) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a set of line primitives between pairs of vertices as specified by the supplied set of vertex indices.
addLines(int, int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a set of line primitives between pairs of vertices as specified by the supplied vertex range.
addLines(Iterable<int[]>) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a set of line primitives between the supplied pairs of vertices.
addLineSegmentInertia(double, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Adds the inertia of a line segment to this inertia.
addLineStrip(int...) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a set of connected line segments between neighboring vertices in the supplied list of vertex indices.
addLineStrip(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a set of connected line primitives between neighboring vertices as specified by the supplied vertex range.
addLineStrip(int...) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a set of connected line segments between neighboring vertices in the supplied list of vertex indices.
addLineStrip(int, int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a set of connected line primitives between neighboring vertices as specified by the supplied vertex range.
addLink(T) - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
Adds a link to the end of the list,
addListener(SchedulerListener) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Scheduler
addListener(FileTransferListener) - Method in interface maspack.fileutil.FileTransferMonitor
Adds a listener object to respond to transfer events
addListener(FileTransferListener) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.MultiFileTransferMonitor
Adds a listener object to respond to transfer events
addListener(ConvexPolygonIntersector.Listener) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ConvexPolygonIntersector
addListener(Dragger3dListener) - Method in class maspack.render.Dragger3dBase
addListener(DrawToolListener) - Method in class maspack.render.DrawToolBase
addLoad() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.MuscleArm
addLoad() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SkinDemo
addLocalForce(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
addMajorComponent(Component) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponent
Adds a major component to this labeled component.
addMajorComponent(Component, int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponent
Adds a major component to this labeled component at a specified location.
addMarker(FemMarker) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
addMarker(FemMarker, FemElement) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
addMarker(FemMarker, FemElement, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
addMarker(FemMarker, Collection<? extends FemNode>, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
addMarker(FemMarker, FemNode[], double[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
addMarker(FemMarker, Collection<? extends FemNode>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
addMarker(FemMarker, FemNode[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
addMarker(FemMarker) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
Adds a marker to this FemModel.
addMarker(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
Creates and adds a marker to this FemModel.
addMarker(Point3d, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
Creates and adds a marker to this FemModel.
addMarker(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Creates and adds a marker to this SkinMeshBody.
addMarker(String, Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Creates and adds a marker to this SkinMeshBody.
addMarker(String, Point3d, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Creates and adds a marker to this SkinMeshBody.
addMarker(Marker) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.IsMarkable
Adds the marker to the component (or potentially somewhere within the component hierarchy)
addMarker(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeModel3d
Adds a marker to this FemModel.
addMarker(Marker) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
addMarker(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshCurve
addMarker(Marker) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
addMarker(Marker) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TexturePlaneBase
addMarker(ModelComponent, Line) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.AddMarkerHandler
AddMarkerHandler - Class in artisynth.core.workspace
AddMarkerHandler() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.workspace.AddMarkerHandler
addMarkerToMesh(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Creates and adds a marker to the nearest mesh feature of this skin body.
addMarkerToMesh(String, Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Creates and adds a marker to the nearest mesh feature of this skin body.
AddMarkerTool - Class in artisynth.core.workspace
AddMarkerTool(SelectionManager) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.workspace.AddMarkerTool
addMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode
addMassForces(VectorNd, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
addMassToMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFem3dAttachment
addMassToMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFrameAttachment
addMassToMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
addMassToMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNodeNodeAttachment
addMassToMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeFrameNodeAttachment
addMassToMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
addMassToMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
addMassToMasters() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachment
addMassToMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentBase
addMassToMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameFrameAttachment
addMassToMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointFrameAttachment
addMassToMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointParticleAttachment
addMassToNodeMasters(FemNode[], double[], double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
Distribute a mass m amongst the master nodes on the basis of their coordinate weights.
addMasterAttachment(DynamicAttachment) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
Add a DynamicAttachment to the list of master attachments associated with this component.
addMasterAttachment(DynamicAttachment) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicComponentBase
Add a DynamicAttachment to the list of master attachments associated with this component.
addMasterBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix, int, Matrix, FrameAttachment, int[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
addMasterBody(ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Adds a master body with this SkinMeshBody so that it can be used for skinning control.
addMaterialBundle(MaterialBundle) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
addMaterialStiffness(Vector3d, Matrix6d, double, SymmetricMatrix3d, Vector3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
addMaterialStiffness(Vector3d, Matrix6d, SymmetricMatrix3d, Vector3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
addMaterialStiffness(Vector3d, Matrix6d, Vector3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
addMaterialStiffness(Matrix3d, Vector3d, Matrix6d, SymmetricMatrix3d, Vector3d, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemUtilities
Adds a weighted node-to-node stiffness to the matrix Kij via the formula
addMaterialStiffness(Matrix3d, Vector3d, Matrix6d, Vector3d, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemUtilities
Adds a weighted node-to-node stiffness to the matrix Kij via the formula
addMaterialStiffness(Matrix3d, Vector3d, double, double, Vector3d, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemUtilities
Adds a weighted node-to-node stiffness to the matrix Kij via the formula
addMechModel(MechModel) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SoftPlaneCollider
addMechModel(FemModel3d) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemBeam3d
addMember(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ObjectGroup
addMembraneMaterialStiffness(Matrix3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, double, Matrix3d, SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemUtilities
addMembraneStressForce(Vector3d, SymmetricMatrix3d, double, double, double, Matrix3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemUtilities
addMenuBar() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
addMenuBar() - Method in class maspack.widgets.ViewerFrame
addMesh(MeshBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
addMesh(String, MeshBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
addMesh(MeshBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Adds a mesh to this object.
addMesh(MeshBase, boolean, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Adds a mesh to this object.
addMesh(MeshBase, String, AffineTransform3dBase, boolean, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Adds a mesh to this object
addMesh(MeshBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeModel3d
addMesh(String, MeshBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeModel3d
addMesh(PointMesh) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PointMesh
addMesh(PointMesh, boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PointMesh
Adds copies of the vertices of another mesh to this mesh.
addMesh(MeshBase) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
addMesh(PolygonalMesh, boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Adds copies of the vertices and faces of another mesh to this mesh.
addMesh(PolylineMesh) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolylineMesh
addMesh(PolylineMesh, boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolylineMesh
Adds copies of the vertices and lines of another mesh to this mesh.
addMeshBody(MeshComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Adds a mesh component to the meshBodies list of this model.
addMeshComp(FemMeshComp) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
addMeshComp(RigidMeshComp) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Explicitly adds a mesh component.
addMeshMarker(MeshMarker) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
addMeshMarker(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
addMethod(MovieMaker.Method, String, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
addModeButtonIfNecessary(LabeledControl, InheritableProperty) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyWidget
addModeButtonOrSpace(LabeledComponentBase, Property) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyWidget
addModeButtonSpace(LabeledComponentBase) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyWidget
addModel(MechSystemModel) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
addModel(Model) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
addMonitor(Monitor) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
addMonitor(Monitor, Model) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
addMotionTarget(MotionTargetComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
addMotionTarget(MotionTargetComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
addMotionTargets(TrackingController) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.InverseTest
addMouseInputListener(MouseInputListener) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
addMouseInputListener(MouseInputListener) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Adds a mouse input listener to this viewer.
addMouseListener(MouseInputListener) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
Add a mouse input listener to each of the viewers.
addMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Adds a mouse listener to the end of the underlying component's queue
addMouseMotionListener(MouseMotionListener) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Adds a mouse motion listener to the underlying component
addMouseWheelListener(MouseWheelListener) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Adds a mouse wheel listener to the underlying component
addMouseWheelListener(MouseWheelListener) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
addMultiPointSpring(MultiPointSpring) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
addMuscle(String, Color, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.FemSurfaceTargetDemo
addMuscle() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.MuscleArm
addMuscle() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SkinDemo
addMuscle() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.WrappedMuscleArm
addMuscle(RigidBody, double, double, RigidBody, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.ToyMuscleArm
Add an axial muscle between body0 and body1 using markers attached at world coords (x0,0,z0) and (x1,0,z1), respectively.
addMuscleBundle(MuscleBundle) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
addMuscleBundle(MuscleBundle) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
addMuscleBundleElems(FemMuscleModel, PolylineMesh, double, MuscleBundle) - Static method in class artisynth.demos.fem.EmbeddedTongue
addMuscleControls(ControlPanel, FemModel, ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.FemControlPanel
addMuscleExciter(MuscleExciter) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
addMuscleExciter(MuscleExciter) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
addMuscleExciter(MuscleExciter) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
addMuscles(HydrostatModel.Shape) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
addMuscles() - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel
addMuscles(RigidTransform3d, int, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel
addMuscles() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.DoubleArmDemo
addMuscles() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.InverseTest
addNegRowAndColumn(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SignedCholeskyDecomp
addNegRowAndColumn(VectorNd, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SignedCholeskyDecomp
addNode(FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
addNode(FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeDisplacementRenderer
addNode(TestNode) - Method in class
addNodeForce(Vector3d, int, FemNode3d[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.StiffnessWarper3d
Adds the total force contribution due to stiffness from all cached linear materials for node i
addNodeForce(Vector3d, Vector3d, int, FemNode3d[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.StiffnessWarper3d
addNodeForce0(VectorNd, int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.StiffnessWarper3d
Adds initial force contribution due to cached stiffness
addNodes(Collection<? extends FemNode3d>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
addNodes(Collection<FemNode3d>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeDisplacementRenderer
AddNodesCommand(MenuEntry, MenuNode, int, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenuEditor.AddNodesCommand
AddNodesCommand(MenuEntry, Collection<MenuNode>, int, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenuEditor.AddNodesCommand
addNodeStiffness(Matrix3d, int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.StiffnessWarper3d
Adds the total stiffness contributions between nodes i and j from all cached linear and corotated linear materials to the given matrix
addNodeStiffness(FemNodeNeighbor, int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.StiffnessWarper3d
addNoise(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Adds a random perturbation to this vector, in the range [-lim,lim], where
addNoise(double, Random) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Adds a random perturbation to this vector, in the range [-lim,lim], where
addNonCoincident(Vertex3d, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dList
addNonCoincident(Vertex3dNode, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dList
addNonexplicitPropertyTree(HasProperties) - Method in class
Recursively populates this cell with all the non-explicitly set inheritable properties accessible from a given host.
addNormal(float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds an indexable 3D normal.
addNormal(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds an indexable 3D normal by reference.
addNormal(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds an indexable 3D normal
addNormal(float, float, float) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Adds an indexable 3D normal.
addNotify() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
Overridden to track when this component is added to a container.
addNumbered(C, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
addNumbered(C, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentListImpl
addNumberedElement(FemElement3d, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
addNumberedMarker(Point3d, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
addNumberedMarker(Point3d, boolean, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
addNumberedNode(FemNode3d, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
addNumberedShellElement(ShellElement3d, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x2Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3DiagBlock
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x4Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBlock
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dDiagBlock
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.MatrixBlock
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByCol(Matrix, int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockBase
addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockBase
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNdBlock
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x2Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3DiagBlock
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x4Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBlock
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dDiagBlock
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.MatrixBlock
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByRow(Matrix, int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockBase
Dense implementation method for addNumNonZerosByRow(int[],int,Partition).
addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockBase
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNdBlock
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to the current values stored in the array offsets, starting at the location specified by idx.
addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
addNURBS(File) - Method in class maspack.apps.NURBSViewer
addNURBS(NURBSObject) - Method in class maspack.apps.NURBSViewer
addNURBSWithMesh(NURBSObject) - Method in class maspack.apps.NURBSViewer
addObj(Matrix1x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1
Adds v1 to this vector.
addObj(Matrix1x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
Adds v1 to this vector.
addObj(Matrix1x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
Adds v1 to this vector.
addObj(Matrix2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Adds v1 to this vector.
addObj(Matrix2x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
Adds v1 to this vector.
addObj(Matrix2x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Adds v1 to this vector.
addObj(Matrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Adds v1 to this vector.
addObj(Matrix3x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
Adds v1 to this vector.
addObj(Matrix3x2) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
Adds v1 to this vector.
addObj(Matrix3x4) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Adds v1 to this vector.
addObj(Matrix3x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Adds v1 to this vector.
addObj(Matrix4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Adds v1 to this vector.
addObj(Matrix4x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Adds v1 to this vector.
addObj(Matrix6d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Adds v1 to this vector.
addObj(Matrix6x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
Adds v1 to this vector.
addObj(Matrix6x2) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Adds v1 to this vector.
addObj(Matrix6x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Adds v1 to this vector.
addObj(MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Adds v1 to this vector.
addObj(Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Adds v1 to this vector.
addObj(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Adds v1 to this vector.
addObj(Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Adds v1 to this vector.
addObj(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Adds v1 to this vector.
addObj(T) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.VectorObject
Adds v1 to this vector.
addObjectMember(O, String, P) - Method in interface maspack.json.JSONFactory
Add a member pair to an object
addObjectMember(HashMap<String, Object>, String, Object) - Method in class maspack.json.JSONFactoryDefault
addOffset(DistanceGrid.TetDesc) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid.TetDesc
addOptionPanel(String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyFrame
addOptionPanel(String[]) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyFrame
addOuterProduct(double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Adds an outer product to this matrix.
addOuterProduct(Vector2d, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Adds an outer product to this matrix.
addOuterProduct(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Adds an outer product to this matrix.
addOuterProduct(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Adds an outer product to this matrix.
addOutputProbe(Probe) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
addOutputProbe(Probe, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
addPackageAliases(String, String, Class<?>) - Static method in class maspack.util.ClassAliases
Searches for the subclasses of T within a specified package whose full name match the specified regular expression, and adds them to the alias table, using their simple names as a key.
AddPackageDialog - Class in artisynth.core.modelmenu
AddPackageDialog(MenuEntry) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelmenu.AddPackageDialog
addPanel() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.DoubleArmDemo
addPanel() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SkinDemo
addPanProbe() - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.NetDemoWithPan
addParentToNotify(CompositeComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.TransformGeometryContext
Adds a parent component to be notified of the change in geometry using a GeometryChangeEvent.
addParticle(Particle) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
addParticle(Particle) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleConstraintBase
addParticle(MechModel, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.ParticleAttachment
addParticles(Collection<? extends Particle>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleConstraintBase
addPoint(Point) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
addPoint(int, Point) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Adds a point to this spring at a specified index.
addPoint(Point) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Adds a point to this spring.
addPoint(Point) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointMeshForce
Adds a mesh-interacting point to this PointMeshForce.
addPoint(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds a new point that can be referenced to create an instance.
addPoint(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds a new point that can be referenced to create an instance.
addPoint(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds a new point that can be referenced to create an instance.
addPoint(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a point primitive at the supplied vertex.
addPoint(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a point primitive at the supplied position.
addPoint(int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a point primitive at the supplied vertex.
addPoint(float[]) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a point primitive at the supplied position.
addPointDataScalars(String, double[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.VtkInputOutput
addPointDataVectors(String, ArrayList<double[]>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.VtkInputOutput
addPointExciters(MechModel, Point, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.inverse.PointExciter
addPointForce(Wrench, VectorNd, Point3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
Adds to wr and fe the wrench and elastic forces arising from applying a force f on a point loc.
addPointForce(Point3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
Adds to this body's forces the wrench arising from applying a force f on an attached point.
addPointForce(Wrench, Point3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
Adds to wr the wrench arising from applying a force f on a point loc.
addPointForce(Point3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
Adds to this body's forces the wrench arising from applying a force f on an attached point.
addPointInstance(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds an instance based on point index
addPointMass(double, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Adds a point mass at a specified point to this inertia.
addPointMass(Matrix, double, Vector3d) - Static method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Adds a point mass at a specified point to a 6x6 matrix representing a spatial inertia.
addPointRotationalInertia(Matrix3dBase, double, Vector3d) - Static method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Add to a rotational inertia the effect of a point mass at location r.
addPoints(int...) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates point primitives at the supplied vertex locations.
addPoints(Iterable<float[]>) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a set of vertices and point primitives at the supplied positions.
addPoints(int...) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates point primitives at the supplied vertex locations.
addPoints(Iterable<float[]>) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a set of vertices and point primitives at the supplied positions.
addPointTarget(Point, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
Adds a point target to track
addPointTarget(Point) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
Adds a point target to track with weight 1
addPointTarget(Point) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Adds a point source for motion tracking and creates a corresponding target component for specifying the target force and weights.
addPointTarget(Point, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Adds a point source for motion tracking and creates a corresponding target component for specifying the target force and weights.
addPopupManager() - Method in class maspack.widgets.ViewerFrame
addPortRange(int, int) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.RegexMatcher
addPos(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointState
addPosImpulse(double[], int, double, double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
addPosImpulse(double[], int, double, double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
addPosImpulse(double[], int, double, double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
addPosImpulse(double[], int, double, double[], int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
addPosImpulse(double[], int, double, double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
addPosImpulse(double[], int, double, double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
addPosition(Vector3d, PolarDecomposition3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.ElementConnection
addPosition(Vector3d, PolarDecomposition3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FemConnection
addPosition(Vector3d, PolarDecomposition3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FemDispConnection
addPosition(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarPoint
addPosition(float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds an indexable 3D position
addPosition(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds a position by reference.
addPosition(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds an indexable 3D position
addPosition(float, float, float) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Adds an indexable 3D position
addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, FemNode3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
addPosJacobian(Matrix3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter
addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.PointExciter
addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ForceEffector
Scales the components of the position Jacobian associated with this force effector and adds it to the supplied solve matrix M.
addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointLimitForce
Scales the components of the position Jacobian associated with this force effector and adds it to the supplied solve matrix M.
addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, VectorNd, double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Adds the current force-position Jacobian, scaled by h, to the matrix S, which should have been previously created with a call to buildSolveMatrix().
addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, VectorNd, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Scales the components of the position Jacobian associated with this force effector and adds it to the supplied solve matrix M.
addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointMeshForce
Scales the components of the position Jacobian associated with this force effector and adds it to the supplied solve matrix M.
addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
Scales the components of the position Jacobian associated with this force effector and adds it to the supplied solve matrix M.
addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SoftPlaneCollider
addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
addPosJacobianWorld(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
addPosRowAndColumn(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SignedCholeskyDecomp
addPosRowAndColumn(VectorNd, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SignedCholeskyDecomp
addPressureStiffness(Vector3d, double, Vector3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
addPressureStiffness(Matrix3d, Vector3d, double, Vector3d, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemUtilities
Adds pressure stiffness to the matrix Kij via the formula
addPressureStress(SymmetricMatrix3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterialBase
addPressureTangent(Matrix6d, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterialBase
addProbe(Probe) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
Adds a probe to the timeline.
addProbeEditor(NumericProbeEditor) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.Timeline
addProbeEditor(NumericProbeEditor) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
addProbeFromRoot(Probe) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Track
addProbes(RootModel, TrackingController, double, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.inverse.InverseManager
Creates an input probe of the type specified by pid.
addProbes() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemMuscleArm
addProbes() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.MuscleArm
addProbes() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SkinDemo
addProbes(MechModel) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SpringMeshDemo
addProbes() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.WrappedMuscleArm
addProperty(int, Property) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.InputNumericProbeEditor
Called when a valid property has been selected for the first time.
addProperty(int, Property) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.OutputNumericProbeEditor
addPropertyEditMenuItems(LinkedList<ModelComponent>, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionPopup
addPropertyGUI(AddPropertyPane) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.NumericProbeEditor
AddPropertyPane - Class in artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor
AddPropertyPane(NumericProbeEditor) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.AddPropertyPane
constructor for AddPropertyPane class.
addPropertyWidget(Property, LabeledComponentBase) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
addPropertyWidget(Property, LabeledComponentBase, int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
addProps(String, String, Preferences) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.PreferencesManager
addQuadAnnularSector(PolygonalMesh, double, double, double, int, int, RigidTransform3d, MeshFactory.VertexMap) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Adds an annular sector to an existing mesh.
addQuadCylindricalSection(PolygonalMesh, double, double, double, int, int, boolean, RigidTransform3d, MeshFactory.VertexMap) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Adds a cylindrical section to an existing mesh.
addQuadEdge(RenderObject, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer
addQuadEdge(RenderObject, FeatureIndexArray, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer
addQuadEdge(RenderObject, FeatureIndexArray, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer
addQuadFace(RenderObject, FeatureIndexArray, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer
Adds quadratic triangular face
addQuadFace(RenderObject, FeatureIndexArray, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer
Adds a quadratic quadrilateral face
addQuadRectangle(PolygonalMesh, double, double, int, int, RigidTransform3d, MeshFactory.VertexMap) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Adds a quad rectangle to an existing mesh.
addQuadSphericalSection(PolygonalMesh, double, double, double, int, int, RigidTransform3d, MeshFactory.VertexMap) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Adds a spherical section to an existing mesh.
addQuadToroidalSection(PolygonalMesh, double, double, double, double, int, int, boolean, boolean, RigidTransform3d, MeshFactory.VertexMap) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Adds a toroidal section to an existing mesh.
addReadOnly(String, String, String) - Method in class
Adds a new read-only property to this list, creating the appropriate description from the supplied arguments.
addReadOnly(String, String) - Method in class
Adds a new read-only property to this list, creating the appropriate description from the supplied arguments.
addReference(C) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ReferenceListBase
addReferences(Collection<C>) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ReferenceListBase
addRegion(MeshThicken.Region) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
addRegularizationTerms(Double, Double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
addRelativeVelocity(Vector3d, double, ContactPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
addRelativeVelocity(Vector3d, double, ContactPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
addRelativeVelocity(Vector3d, double, ContactPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.ElementConnection
addRelativeVelocity(Vector3d, double, ContactPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FemConnection
addRelativeVelocity(Vector3d, double, ContactPoint) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactMaster
Accumulate the velocity at the contact due to the current velocity of the underlying dynamic components.
addRelativeVelocity(Vector3d, double, ContactPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
addRelativeVelocity(Vector3d, double, ContactPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointParticleAttachment
addRelativeVelocity(Vector3d, double, ContactPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.VertexContactMaster
addRenderable(IsRenderable) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
addRenderable(RenderableComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
addRenderable(Renderable) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
addRenderable(RenderableComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
addRenderable(IsRenderable) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
addRenderable(IsRenderable) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewerFrame
addRenderable(IsRenderable) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Adds a renderable to this viewer.
addRenderable(MultiViewer.SimpleSelectable) - Method in class maspack.test.GL.MultiViewer
addRenderable(IsRenderable) - Method in class maspack.test.GL.MultiViewer
addRenderable(MultiViewer.SimpleSelectable) - Method in class maspack.test.GL.MultiViewer.SimpleViewerApp
addRenderable(IsRenderable) - Method in class maspack.test.GL.MultiViewer.SimpleViewerApp
addRenderables() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConnectorBoundsRenderer
addRenderListener(RenderListener) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
addRenderListener(RenderListener) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Adds a render listener to this viewer.
addRenderMeshComp(FemMesh) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFemField
addRenderMeshComp(FixedMeshBody) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
addRigidBodies() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.DoubleArmDemo
addRigidBodies() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.MuscleArm
addRigidBodies() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SkinDemo
addRigidBodies() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.WrappedMuscleArm
addRigidBody(RigidBody) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
addRow(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
addRow(int[], double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
addRow(DynamicIntArray, DynamicDoubleArray) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
addRowAndColumn(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.CholeskyDecomposition
addRowAndColumn(VectorNd, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.CholeskyDecomposition
addRows(int[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
addScale(Double) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds a new indexable scale.
addScaled4thPowerProduct(Matrix6d, double, Vector3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
Adds the scaled tensor product
addScaledDyad(double, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Adds the scaled dyad
addScaledExternalElasticForce(double, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
addScaledExternalForce(double, Wrench) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
addScaledExternalForce(double, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
addScaledForce(double, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
addScaledForce(double, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
addScaledIdentity(Matrix6d, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
Adds a scaled identity to a 4th order constitutive tensor represented as a 6 x 6 matrix.
addScaledIdentityProduct(Matrix6d, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
Adds the scaled tensor product
addScaledOuterProduct(double, Vector2d, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Adds a scaled outer product to this matrix.
addScaledOuterProduct(double, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Adds a scaled outer product to this matrix.
addScaledOuterProduct(double, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Adds a scaled outer product to this matrix.
addScaledOuterProduct(double, Quaternion, Quaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Computes the outer product of quaternions q0 and q1 (each treated simply as a 4 vector), scales it by s, and adds the result to this matrix.
addScaledPointCovariance(Matrix3d, double, Point3d) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.CovarianceUtils
addScaledRow(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Adds s times the i-th row to the vector v.
addScaledStrain(double, SymmetricMatrix3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
addScaledSubMatrix(int, int, double, MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Adds a scaled submatrix to this matrix.
addScaledSubVector(int, double, Vector) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Adds a scaled subset of the values of this vector, beginning at a specified offset, to the values of v1.
addScaledSymmetricDyad(double, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Adds the scaled symmetric dyad
addScaledVelocity(double, Twist) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameState
Adds a scaled velocity to this frame's existing velocity.
addSelected(LinkedList<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
addSelected(List<? extends ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionManager
addSelected(ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionManager
addSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
add the selection listener
addSelectionListener(TreeSelectionListener) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavigationPanel
addSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionManager
addSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in interface artisynth.core.workspace.DriverInterface
addSelectionListener(ViewerSelectionListener) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
addSelectionListener(ViewerSelectionListener) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Adds a selection listener to this viewer that will fire whenever objects are selected.
addSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
addSharedAttribute(String, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ProgramManager
addSharedTexture(String, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ProgramManager
addSharedUniformBlock(String, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ProgramManager
addSharedUniformBufferObject(UniformBufferObject) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ProgramManager
addShellElement(ShellElement3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
addShellElements(Collection<? extends ShellElement3d>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
addShellMaterialStiffness(Matrix3d, Matrix3d, Matrix3d, Matrix3d, double, double, Vector3d, Vector3d, double, double, Matrix3d, SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemUtilities
Add weighted material stiffness for this (i,j) node neighbor pair (represented by 6x6 stiffness block), relative to a particular integration point of the shell element.
addShellStressForce(Vector3d, Vector3d, SymmetricMatrix3d, double, double, double, double, double, Matrix3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemUtilities
Adds the material+geometric forces on a node resulting from a given stress at a given shell integration point.
addShoulderController() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ShoulderWrapping
addShowHideButton(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Track
Add a button to show or hide the group of contiguous tracks.
addSimpleExciters() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
addSimpleTubeExciters() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
addSkinMesh() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SkinDemo
addSlice(DicomSlice) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomImage
Appends a slice to the current DICOM image set.
addSolveBlock(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
addSolveBlock(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
addSolveBlock(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
addSolveBlock(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
addSolveBlock(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicComponentBase
addSolveBlock(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
addSolveBlock(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarPoint
addSolveBlock(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter
addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.PointExciter
addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
addSolveBlocks(DynamicAttachment, SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, boolean[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentWorker
addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ForceEffector
Adds any needed blocks to a solve matrix in order to accomodate the Jacobian terms associated with this force effector.
addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointCoordinateHandle
addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointLimitForce
Adds any needed blocks to a solve matrix in order to accomodate the Jacobian terms associated with this force effector.
addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Adds any needed blocks to a solve matrix in order to accomodate the Jacobian terms associated with this force effector.
addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointMeshForce
Adds any needed blocks to a solve matrix in order to accomodate the Jacobian terms associated with this force effector.
addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
Adds any needed blocks to a solve matrix in order to accomodate the Jacobian terms associated with this force effector.
addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SoftPlaneCollider
addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
addSource(GLGarbageSource) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLGarbageCollector
addSourceRootPath(String) - Static method in class maspack.util.PathFinder
Adds a path to the list used for detecting root source directories relative to the parent of the root class directory.
addSphericalJoint(RigidBody, RigidBody, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.FrameSpringDemo
addSphericalJoint(RigidBody, RigidBody, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.FrameSpringDemo
addSphericalJoint(RigidBody, RigidBody, double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.LaymanModel
addSphericalJoint(RigidBody, RigidBody, RigidTransform3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.LaymanModel
addSpring(MechModel, Particle, Particle) - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.ParticleAttachment
addSprings(RigidTransform3d, int, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel
addState(ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeState
addStaticBody(String, String) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ShoulderWrapping
addStiffnessDampingForce(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
addStiffnessModifier(SolveMatrixModifier) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.StabilityTerm
addStressForce(Vector3d, Vector3d, SymmetricMatrix3d, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemUtilities
Adds the force on a node resulting from a given stress and shape function gradient g.
addSubHostsIfNecessary(PropTreeCell) - Method in class
addSubMatrix(int, int, MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Adds a submatrix to this matrix.
addSubMatrix00(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Adds v to the 3x1 sub-matrix starting at (0, 0).
addSubMatrix00(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Adds to 3x3 sub-matrix of this matrix starting at (0, 0).
addSubMatrix00(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Adds v to the 1x3 sub-matrix starting at (0, 0).
addSubMatrix00(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Adds to 3x3 sub-matrix of this matrix starting at (0, 0).
addSubMatrix00(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Adds to 3x3 sub-matrix of this matrix starting at (0, 0).
addSubMatrix01(Matrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Adds M to the 3x3 sub-matrix starting at (0, 1)
addSubMatrix03(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Adds to the 3x3 sub-matrix of this matrix starting at (0, 3).
addSubMatrix03(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Adds to the 3x3 sub-matrix of this matrix starting at (0, 3).
addSubMatrix10(Matrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Adds M to the 3x3 sub-matrix starting at (1, 0).
addSubMatrix30(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Adds to the 3x3 sub-matrix of this matrix starting at (3, 0).
addSubMatrix30(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Adds to the 3x3 sub-matrix of this matrix starting at (3, 0).
addSubMatrix33(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Adds to the 3x3 sub-matrix of this matrix starting at (3, 3).
addSubMesh(FemModel3d, String, int[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManagerTest
addSubVector(VectorNd, VectorNd, int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
addSupraspinatus() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ShoulderSkinWrapping
addSupraspinatus() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ShoulderWrapping
addSymmetricDyad(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Adds the symmetric dyad
addSymmetricIdentityDot(Matrix6d, double, Matrix6d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
Adds the scale symmetric tensor product
addSymmetricIdentityProduct(Matrix6d, Matrix3dBase) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
Adds the symmetric tensor product
addSymmetricIdentityProduct(Matrix6d, double, Matrix3dBase) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
Adds the scale symmetric tensor product
addSymmetricTensorDot(Matrix6d, Matrix6d, Matrix6d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
Adds the symmetric tensor product
addSymmetricTensorProduct(Matrix6d, Matrix3dBase, Matrix3dBase) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
Adds the symmetric tensor product
addSymmetricTensorProduct(Matrix6d, double, Matrix3dBase, Matrix3dBase) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
Adds a scaled symmetric tensor product
addSymmetricTensorProduct4(Matrix6d, double, Matrix3dBase, Matrix3dBase) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
Adds the scaled symmetric tensor product
addTarget(BodyConnector) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
Adds a target to track the reaction force of the specified body connector
addTarget(BodyConnector, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
Adds a target to track the reaction force of the specified body connector
addTarget(BodyConnector, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
Adds a target to track the reaction force of the specified body connector
addTarget(BodyConnector, VectorNd, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
Adds a target to track the reaction force of the specified body connector
addTarget(ForceTargetComponent, double, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTerm
Adds a force component whose force should be controlled
addTarget(ForceTargetComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTerm
Adds a force component whose force should be controlled
addTarget(ForceTargetComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTerm
Adds a force component whose force should be controlled
addTarget(MotionTargetComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
addTarget(MotionTargetComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
addTarget(ExcitationComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MuscleExciter
addTarget(ExcitationComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MuscleExciter
addTargetJacobian(SparseBlockMatrix, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
addTargetJacobian(SparseBlockMatrix, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMarker
Add a row to the motion target Jacobian for this motion target.
addTargetJacobian(SparseBlockMatrix, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
addTargetJacobian(SparseBlockMatrix, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMarker
Add a row to the motion target Jacobian for this motion target.
addTargetJacobian(SparseBlockMatrix, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
addTargetJacobian(SparseBlockMatrix, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameMarker
Add a row to the motion target Jacobian for this motion target.
addTargetJacobian(SparseBlockMatrix, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GenericMarker
Add a row to the motion target Jacobian for this motion target.
addTargetJacobian(SparseBlockMatrix, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MotionTargetComponent
Add a row to the motion target Jacobian for this motion target.
addTargetJacobian(SparseBlockMatrix, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
Add a row to the motion target Jacobian for this motion target.
addTargetJacobian(SparseBlockMatrix, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointAttachment
addTargetJacobian(SparseBlockMatrix, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointFrameAttachment
addTensorProduct(Matrix6d, Matrix3dBase) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
Adds the tensor product
addTensorProduct(Matrix6d, double, Matrix3dBase) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
Adds the scaled tensor product
addTensorProduct(Matrix6d, double, Matrix3dBase, Matrix3dBase) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
Adds the scaled tensor product
addTensorProduct4(Matrix6d, double, Matrix3dBase, Matrix3dBase) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
addTensorProduct4(Matrix6d, double, Matrix3dBase, Matrix3dBase) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
addTensorProduct4(Matrix6d, double, Matrix3dBase) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
Adds the scaled symmetric tensor product
addTentacleExciters() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
addTentacleExcitersX() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
addTentacleMuscles() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
addTestCurves() - Method in class maspack.apps.NURBSCurve2dTest
addTetElement(TetElement) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
addTextureCoord(float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds an indexable 2D texture coordinate
addTextureCoord(Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds an indexable 2D texture coordinate
addTextureCoord(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds an indexable 2D texture coordinate by reference.
addTextureCoord(float, float) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Adds an indexable 2D texture coordinate
addTimeHours(int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomDateTime
Adds time in hours to the current date/time
addTimeMicros(int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomDateTime
Adds time in microseconds to the current date/time
addTimeMinutes(int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomDateTime
Adds time in minutes to the current date/time
addTimeSeconds(int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomDateTime
Adds time in seconds to the current date/time
addToCost(double) - Method in class maspack.graph.Vertex
addToHv(MatrixNd, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.customjoint.OpenSimCustomCoupling.TAxis
For a translation axis, add the contribution to the v component of the mobility vectors.
addToHw(MatrixNd, RotationMatrix3d, VectorNd, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.customjoint.OpenSimCustomCoupling.TAxis
For a rotation axis, add the contribution to the w component of the mobility vectors.
addToIncompressConstraints(MatrixBlock, double[], Vector3d, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemUtilities
Adds H^T GNx dv to a matrix block, where H is a row vector of weight values, and dv is a volume differential.
addToMap(Vertex3d, HashMap<Vertex3d, Vertex3d>, ArrayList<Vertex3d>, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BSPTree
addToPointVelocity(Vector3d, double, ContactPoint) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollidableDynamicComponent
Computes the velocity imparted to a contact point by this component's current velocity, multiples it by a weighting factor w, and add it to vel.
addToPointVelocity(Vector3d, double, ContactPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
addToPointVelocity(Vector3d, double, ContactPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
addToPointVelocity(Vector3d, double, ContactPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
addTopToolPanel() - Method in class maspack.widgets.ViewerFrame
addToRoute(DirectedEdge<A, B>, Vertex<A, B>) - Method in class maspack.graph.Path
addToSolveBlock(Matrix2d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarPoint
addToSolveBlockDiagonal(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarPoint
addToSolveBlockDiagonal(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
addTracingProbe(Traceable, String, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
Convenience routine to add a tracing probe to this RootModel.
addTrackingController() - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.FemSurfaceTargetDemo
addTrackingController(FrameMarker) - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.ForceTargetDemo
addTrackingController() - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel
addTrackingController() - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel1d
addTrackingController() - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel2d
addTrackingController(MechModel) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.FrameSpringPendulum
addTrackingController() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.InverseTest
addTrackingController() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MinimizeAxialSpringForce
addTransferListener(FileTransferListener) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Adds a FileTransferListener object that responds to transfer events.
addTransferSyntax(DicomTransferSyntax) - Static method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomHeader
Adds a possible transfer syntax, previously unknown, allowing for decoding of new DICOM information
addTransform(double, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.RigidTransformInputProbe
addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialElementDesc
addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MaterialBundle
addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
Adds to context any transformable components which should be transformed as the same time as this component.
addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Adds to context any transformable components which should be transformed as the same time as this component.
addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicComponentBase
addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Adds to context any transformable components which should be transformed as the same time as this component.
addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Adds to context any transformable components which should be transformed as the same time as this component.
addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleLineConstraint
addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticlePlaneConstraint
addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SoftPlaneCollider
addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.GridCompBase
addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.TransformableGeometry
Adds to context any transformable components which should be transformed as the same time as this component.
addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.ImagePlaneProbe
addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.EditableMeshComp
addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponent3d
addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.VertexComponent
addTransformableDescendants(CompositeComponent, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.TransformGeometryContext
Adds transformable descendants of a composite component to this context.
addTransformAxis(TransformAxis) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SpatialTransform
addTranslation(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Sets the translation component of this affine transform.
addTranslation(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Sets the translation component of this affine transform.
addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavPanelTreeModel
addTriangle(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a triangle primitive between supplied vertices (CCW order).
addTriangle(float[], float[], float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a triangle primitive between three new vertices defined at the supplied locations.
addTriangle(int, int, int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a triangle primitive between supplied vertices (CCW order).
addTriangle(float[], float[], float[]) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a triangle primitive between three new vertices defined at the supplied locations.
addTriangleCovariance(Matrix3d, Point3d, Point3d, Point3d) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.CovarianceUtils
addTriangleFan(int...) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a set of triangle primitives forming a fan using the supplied by vertex indices.
addTriangleFan(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a set of triangle primitives forming a fan using the supplied vertex range.
addTriangleFan(int...) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a set of triangle primitives forming a fan using the supplied by vertex indices.
addTriangleFan(int, int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a set of triangle primitives forming a fan using the supplied vertex range.
addTriangleInertia(double, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Adds the inertia of a triangle to this inertia.
addTriangles(int...) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a set of triangle primitives between triples of vertices as supplied by vertex indices.
addTriangles(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a set of triangle primitives between triples of vertices as supplied by the given vertex range.
addTriangles(Iterable<int[]>) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a set of triangle primitives between supplied triples of vertices.
addTriangles(int...) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a set of triangle primitives between triples of vertices as supplied by vertex indices.
addTriangles(int, int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a set of triangle primitives between triples of vertices as supplied by the given vertex range.
addTriangles(Iterable<int[]>) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a set of triangle primitives between supplied triples of vertices.
addTriangleStrip(int...) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a set of triangle primitives forming a strip using the supplied by vertex indices.
addTriangleStrip(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a set of triangle primitives forming a strip using the supplied by vertex range.
addTriangleStrip(int...) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a set of triangle primitives forming a strip using the supplied by vertex indices.
addTriangleStrip(int, int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a set of triangle primitives forming a strip using the supplied by vertex range.
addTubeExciters() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
addTubeMuscles() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
addUnilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
addUnilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Appends the current unilateral force constraint matrix Nc^T to the matrix NT, by appending block columns to it.
addUnilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int, int[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
addUnilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
addUnilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
addUnilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.Constrainer
Appends the current unilateral force constraint matrix Nc^T to the matrix NT, by appending block columns to it.
addUnilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ConstrainerBase
addUnilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleConstraintBase
addUserAuthenticator(URIxMatcher, UserAuthenticator) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Adds an authenticator for HTTPS, SFTP, WEBDAVS, that can respond to domain/username/password requests.
addValueChangeListener(ValueChangeListener) - Method in class maspack.widgets.CompositePropertyWidget
addValueChangeListener(ValueChangeListener) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledControl
Adds a ValueChangeListener to this control.
addValueChangeListener(ValueChangeListener) - Method in class maspack.widgets.MouseSettingsDialog
Adds a ValueChangeListener to this dialog.
addValueChangeListener(ValueChangeListener) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyModeButton
Adds a ValueChangeListener to this button.
addValueChangeListener(LabeledControl, ValueChangeListener) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
addValueCheckListener(ValueCheckListener) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledControl
Adds a ValueCheckListener to this control.
addVel(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointState
addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, FemNode3d, double, double, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter
addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.PointExciter
addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EBBeamBody
addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ForceEffector
Scales the components of the velocity Jacobian associated with this force effector and adds it to the supplied solve matrix M.
addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointCoordinateHandle
addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointLimitForce
Scales the components of the velocity Jacobian associated with this force effector and adds it to the supplied solve matrix M.
addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, VectorNd, double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Adds the current force-velocity Jacobian, scaled by h, to the matrix S, which should have been previously created with a call to buildSolveMatrix().
addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, VectorNd, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Scales the components of the velocity Jacobian associated with this force effector and adds it to the supplied solve matrix M.
addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointMeshForce
Scales the components of the velocity Jacobian associated with this force effector and adds it to the supplied solve matrix M.
addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
Scales the components of the velocity Jacobian associated with this force effector and adds it to the supplied solve matrix M.
addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SoftPlaneCollider
addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
addVelJacobianWorld(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
addVelocity(Vector3d, MatrixBlock[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FrameConnection
addVelocity(Twist) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameState
Adds a velocity to this frame's existing velocity.
addVelocity(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarPoint
addVertex(Vertex3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Adds a vertex to the set of vertices associated with this mesh.
addVertex(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Adds a point to the set of vertices associated with this mesh.
addVertex(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Adds a point to the set of vertices associated with this mesh.
addVertex(Point3d, boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Adds a point to the set of vertices associated with this mesh.
addVertex(Vertex3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PointMesh
addVertex(double, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
addVertex(double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.ConvexPoly2d
addVertex(Point2d) - Method in class maspack.render.ConvexPoly2d
addVertex(int) - Method in class maspack.render.FeatureIndexArray
Adds a vertex index to the current feature (see FeatureIndexArray.beginFeature(int)
addVertex(float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
addVertex(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
addVertex(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
addVertex(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
addVertex(float, float, float) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Adds a vertex to a primitive being drawn while in draw mode.
addVertex(double, double, double) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Adds a vertex to a primitive being drawn while in draw mode.
addVertex(Vector3d) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Adds a vertex to a primitive being drawn while in draw mode.
addVertex(float[]) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Adds a vertex to a primitive being drawn while in draw mode.
addVertex() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds a vertex using the currently active position, normal, color, and texture coordinate (if available).
addVertex(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds a vertex using the supplied position index.
addVertex(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds a vertex using the supplied position and normal indices.
addVertex(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds a vertex using the position, normal, color and texture coordinates identified by index number.
addVertex() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Adds a vertex using the currently active position, normal, color, and texture coordinate (if available).
addVertex(int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Adds a vertex using the supplied position index.
addVertex(int, int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Adds a vertex using the supplied position and normal indices.
addVertex(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Adds a vertex using the position, normal, color and texture coordinates identified by index number.
addVertex(float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
addVertex(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
addVertex(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
addVertex(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
addVertexAfter(PolygonVertex3d, PolygonVertex3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3d
addVertexAttachment(PointAttachment) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
addVertexAttachment(PointAttachment) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
addVertexOffset(Vector3i) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid.TetDesc
addVerticalButton(JComponent, String, ActionListener, String) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.GuiUtils
Creates a vertical button and adds it to a JComponent.
addViaPoint(Point, double, double, Point, Point) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscleVia
addViewer(GLViewer) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
addViewer(String, GLViewer, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.test.GL.MultiViewer
addViewerToolBar(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.ViewerFrame
addWayPoint(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
addWayPoint(double, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
Adds a waypoint to the timelime.
addWayPoint(WayPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
addWayPoint(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
addWayPointFromUser(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
Gets waypoint information from the current position of the timescale and adds the waypoint to the waypoint probe.
addWaypointsField(File) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.LoadModelDialog
addWidget(Component) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
addWidget(Property) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
addWidget(Property, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
addWidget(HasProperties, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
addWidget(HasProperties, String, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
addWidget(String, HasProperties, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
addWidget(String, HasProperties, String, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
addWidget(String, HasProperties...) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
Create and add a labeled widget that controls a specified property in one or more hosts.
addWidget(String, double, double, HasProperties...) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
Create and add a labeled widget that controls a specified property in one or more hosts.
addWidget(String, String, HasProperties...) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
Create and add a labeled widget that controls a specified property in one or more hosts.
addWidget(String, String, double, double, HasProperties...) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
Create and add a slider widget that controls a specified scalar property in one or more hosts.
addWidget(Component) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.FrameBasedEditingAgent
Called by subclasses inside createDisplay to add a custom component to the display.
addWidget(String, LabeledComponentBase) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
addWidget(Component) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
addWidget(Component, int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
addWidget(Component) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
addWidget(Component, int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
addWidget(Property) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
addWidget(Property, double, double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
addWidget(HasProperties, String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
addWidget(HasProperties, String, double, double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
addWidget(String, HasProperties, String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
addWidget(String, HasProperties, String, double, double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
addWidget(Component) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyFrame
addWidget(Property) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyFrame
addWidget(Property, double, double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyFrame
addWidget(HasProperties, String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyFrame
addWidget(HasProperties, String, double, double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyFrame
addWidget(String, HasProperties, String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyFrame
addWidget(String, HasProperties, String, double, double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyFrame
addWidget(Component, int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
addWidget(Property) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
addWidget(Property, double, double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
addWidget(HasProperties, String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
addWidget(HasProperties, String, double, double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
addWidget(String, HasProperties, String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
addWidget(String, HasProperties, String, double, double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
addWidget(String, HasProperties...) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
Create and add a labeled widget that controls a specified property in one or more hosts.
addWidget(String, double, double, HasProperties...) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
Create and add a slider widget that controls a specified scalar property in one or more hosts.
addWidget(String, String, HasProperties...) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
Create and add a labeled widget that controls a specified property in one or more hosts.
addWidget(String, String, double, double, HasProperties...) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
Create and add a slider widget that controls a specified scalar property in one or more hosts.
addWidget(Component) - Method in class maspack.widgets.WidgetDialog
addWidget(HasProperties, String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.WidgetDialog
addWidget(HasProperties, String, double, double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.WidgetDialog
addWidget(String, HasProperties, String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.WidgetDialog
addWidget(String, HasProperties, String, double, double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.WidgetDialog
addWidgetFaces(RenderObject, FemElement3dBase) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer
Adds flat triangulated faces
addWidgetFaces(RenderObject, FeatureIndexArray, FemElement3dBase, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer
Adds flat triangulated faces
addWidgetFaces(RenderObject, FeatureIndexArray, List<FemElementRenderer.WidgetFacePatch>, FemElement3dBase, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer
addWidgets(HasProperties) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
addWidgets(Iterable<?>) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
addWidgets(Iterable<?>, boolean, boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
Add widgets to the panel.
addWidgets(List<Component>) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
addWindowPreset(String, int, int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomWindowPixelInterpolator
Adds a window preset to this interpolator
addWithField(String, String, Object, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.FieldPropertyList
addWithField(String, String, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.FieldPropertyList
addWrappable(Wrappable) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Adds a wrappable to this spring which is applied to all wrap segments.
addWrappable(Wrappable, int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Adds a wrappable to this spring which is applied to the segments between the points indexed by pntIdx0 and pntIdx1.
addWrappedMuscle(RigidBody, double, double, RigidBody, double, double, Wrappable) - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.ToyMuscleArm
Add an wrapped muscle between body0 and body1 using markers attached at world coords (x0,0,z0) and (x1,0,z1) and wrapping around wrapBody.
adjustMassAndStiffness(FemModel3d, PolygonalMesh, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.EmbeddedFem
Adjusts mass and stiffness of a FEM model based on a given surface mesh.
adjustMassAndStiffness(FemModel3d, PolygonalMesh) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.EmbeddedFem
Adjusts mass and stiffness of a FEM model based on a given surface mesh.
adjustMassAndStiffness(ScalarSubElemField, TetElement, PolygonalMesh, BVFeatureQuery, DistanceGrid, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.EmbeddedWeighting
Accounts for missing mass and stiffness
adjustMassAndStiffness(FemModel3d, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.EmbeddedWeighting
adjustPose(Twist) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameState
Adjusts the pose of this FrameState by an increment specified as a twist delx.
adjustPose(Twist, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameState
Adjusts the pose of this FrameState by a velocity (in Frame coordinates) applied over a time interval h.
adjustRangeIfNecessary() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
adjustRotationValues(VectorNd, VectorNd, double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Copies the values v into vr, while adjusting the value of any rotation subvector to the (redundant) representation "closest" to that in the knot nearest to t.
adjustRotationValues(VectorNd, VectorNd, double, NumericListKnot) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Copies the values v into vr, while adjusting the value of any rotation subvector to the (redundant) representation "closest" to that in the knot nearest to t.
adjustSize(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
adjustSize(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
adjustWeightsForPosition(VectorNd, Vector3d, Collection<Vector3d>) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.InverseDistanceWeights
Takes a set of desired weights, based on distance calculations, and adjusts them so that the weighted sum of the support points equals p, and the sum of the weights equals 1.
advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
advance(double, double, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.Model
Advances this model from time t0 to time t1.
advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelBase
Advances this model from time t0 to time t1.
advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.Workspace
advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.BigBeam3d
advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemCollision
advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemFrictionBeam
advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemWithBeamBody
advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HexBeam3d
advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.RobustCube
advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SingleHex
advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SingleTet
advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.TetBeam3d
advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.ViscousBeam
advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.FemSurfaceTargetDemo
advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.BeamBodyCollide
advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.MultiSpringDemo
advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.RigidBodyCollision
advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SpringMeshDemo
advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.renderables.Hello
advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.ActuatedSkinning
advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.CSGAnimation
advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.EFCForceTest
Override the advance method so that we can collect the translational forces acting on the ball and compare with average acceleration times mass.
advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.EquilibriumMuscleTest
advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.FixedBallContact
Override of the advance method that attachs FEM nodes to the plate when the make contact with it.
advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.FrameSpringPendulum
advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MaxwellElement
advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.Template
advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.SlidingFem
advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.CylinderBounceTest
advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.DynamicWrapTest
advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.GeneralWrapTest
advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.KnotDensityTest
advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.KnotDensityTest2
advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.KnotDensityTest3
advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase
advance(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.collision.NearestPolygon3dFeature
Provides a new vertex for the current input polygon.
advance(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.collision.NearestPolygon3dSegment
advance(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.collision.WindingCalculator
advance(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.WindingCalculator
advanceAuxState(double, double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
advanceAuxState(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
advanceNumeric(String, int, boolean) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.RegexMatcher
advanceState(MaterialStateObject, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialElementDesc
advanceState(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
advanceState(MaterialStateObject, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
advanceState(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
advanceState(MaterialStateObject, double, double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.materials.HasMaterialState
advanceState(MaterialStateObject, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaterialBase
advanceState(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaxwellAxialMaterial
advanceState(ViscoelasticState, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.QLVBehavior
advanceState(MaterialStateObject, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ScaledFemMaterial
advanceState(ViscoelasticState, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ViscoelasticBehavior
advanceState(MaterialStateObject, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ViscoelasticMaterial
advanceState(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
If HasNumericState.requiresAdvance() and HasNumericState.hasState() both return true, then this method is called each time step by the system integrator to update this component's state.
advanceState(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
If HasNumericState.requiresAdvance() and HasNumericState.hasState() both return true, then this method is called each time step by the system integrator to update this component's state.
advanceState(double, double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.HasNumericState
If HasNumericState.requiresAdvance() and HasNumericState.hasState() both return true, then this method is called each time step by the system integrator to update this component's state.
advanceToOffset(BinaryInputStream, File, long) - Static method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiReader
AES128 - Static variable in class maspack.crypt.AESCryptor
AES192 - Static variable in class maspack.crypt.AESCryptor
AES256 - Static variable in class maspack.crypt.AESCryptor
AESCryptor - Class in maspack.crypt
A password encryption scheme that uses either a 128-bit,192-bit or 256-bit AES algorithm.
AESCryptor() - Constructor for class maspack.crypt.AESCryptor
AESCryptor(String) - Constructor for class maspack.crypt.AESCryptor
AESCryptor(byte[]) - Constructor for class maspack.crypt.AESCryptor
AESCryptor.KeySize - Enum in maspack.crypt
affine(Point3d[], Point3d[], double, double, int, Point3d[], AffineTransform3d, double[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.CPD
Uses the affine CPD algorithm to align a set of points
affine(Point3d[], Point3d[], double, double, int, Point3d[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.CPD
Uses the affine CPD algorithm to align a set of points
affine(PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh, double, double, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.CPD
Uses the affine CPD algorithm to align two meshes
affine(int, AffineTransform3d, Double, byte[]) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderInstances.RenderInstanceConsumer
AffineNumericInputProbe - Class in artisynth.core.probes
AffineNumericInputProbe() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.AffineNumericInputProbe
Interpolate data to specified time and set related properties values.
AffineNumericInputProbe(ModelComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.AffineNumericInputProbe
AffineNumericInputProbe(ModelComponent, String, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.AffineNumericInputProbe
AffineNumericInputProbe(ModelComponent, String, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.AffineNumericInputProbe
AffineNumericInputProbe(Property[], ModelComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.AffineNumericInputProbe
AffineOrthogonalTest - Class in maspack.matrix
AffineOrthogonalTest() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AffineOrthogonalTest
AffineTransform2d - Class in maspack.matrix
A 3 x 3 matrix which implements general 2D affine transformations.
AffineTransform2d() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2d
Creates an AffineTransform2d and initializes it to the identity.
AffineTransform2d(Vector2d, Matrix2d) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2d
Creates an AffineTransform2d and initializes its components to the specified values.
AffineTransform2d(AffineTransform2dBase) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2d
Creates an AffineTransform2d and initializes it from an existing on
AffineTransform2dBase - Class in maspack.matrix
Base class for 3 x 3 matrices representing 2D affine transformations.
AffineTransform2dBase() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2dBase
AffineTransform3d - Class in maspack.matrix
A 4 x 4 matrix which implements general 3D affine transformations.
AffineTransform3d() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3d
Creates an AffineTransform3d and initializes it to the identity.
AffineTransform3d(Matrix3d, Vector3d) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3d
Creates an AffineTransform3d and initializes its components to the specified values.
AffineTransform3d(AffineTransform3dBase) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3d
AffineTransform3d(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3d
AffineTransform3d(double[]) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3d
Constructs using an array representing the 3x4 matrix [A|p] given in row-major format
AffineTransform3dBase - Class in maspack.matrix
Base class for 4 x 4 matrices representing 3D affine transformations.
AffineTransform3dBase() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
AffineTransformer - Class in maspack.geometry
A GeometryTransformer that implements a linear affine transformation.
AffineTransformer(AffineTransform3d) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.AffineTransformer
Creates a new AffineTransformer from a specified affine transform.
AffineTransformerTest - Class in maspack.geometry
AffineTransformerTest() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.AffineTransformerTest
AffineTransformWidget - Class in maspack.widgets
AffineTransformWidget() - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.AffineTransformWidget
Creates a default AffineTransformWidget with an empty label.
AffineTransformWidget(String, String) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.AffineTransformWidget
Creates an AffineTransformWidget with the components specified by the letters contained in compSpec: 'T': translation field 'S': scale field 'R': rotation field 'X': shear field
AffineTransformWidget(String, String, AffineTransform3dBase) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.AffineTransformWidget
AhoIntersectionContour - Class in maspack.collision
AhoIntersectionContour() - Constructor for class maspack.collision.AhoIntersectionContour
AjlCollisionTest - Class in artisynth.demos.test
AjlCollisionTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.test.AjlCollisionTest
AliasTable - Class in artisynth.core.util
A hash-table that keeps track of names and aliases.
AliasTable() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.AliasTable
Creates a new AliasTable with no entries.
AliasTable(File) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.AliasTable
Creates a new AliasTable and reads it's initial entries from a file.
AliasTable(URL) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.AliasTable
Creates a new AliasTable and reads it's initial entries from a resource.
align(PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh, MeshICP.AlignmentType, double, int, ArrayList<Point3d>) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshICP
align(PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh, MeshICP.AlignmentType, double, int, PolygonalMesh) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshICP
align(PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh, MeshICP.AlignmentType, double, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshICP
align(PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh, MeshICP.AlignmentType, ArrayList<Point3d>) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshICP
align(PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh, MeshICP.AlignmentType, PolygonalMesh) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshICP
align(PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh, MeshICP.AlignmentType) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshICP
alignPoint(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
Aligns a point with the nearest point defined by this grid.
All - Static variable in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ClassField
All - Static variable in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.Collidable
Group specifying all collidable bodies and self-collision
ALL_CROSS - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.Tetrahedralizer
Hex subdivision flag requiring that the diagonals on all faces have opposing directions to those on their opposite face.
ALL_DEGENERACIES - Static variable in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
AllBodies - Static variable in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.Collidable
Group specifying all rigid and deformable collidable bodies
AllBodySkinning - Class in artisynth.demos.tutorial
AllBodySkinning() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.tutorial.AllBodySkinning
alloc(int, int) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockBase
allocate(GL2, int) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2DisplayList
allocate(GL3, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.BufferObject
allocateAcquiredDisplayList(GL2, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2SharedResources
Creates a new display list whose resources are tracked for garbage collection
allocateVersionedObject(GL2, RenderKey, Object) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2SharedResources
allowCollision(ContactPoint, Collidable, Set<Vertex3d>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
allowCollision(ContactPoint, Collidable, Set<Vertex3d>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Returns true if a collision between this Collidable and other should be allowed for the contact point cpnt.
allowCollision(ContactPoint, Collidable, Set<Vertex3d>) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollidableBody
Returns true if a collision between this Collidable and other should be allowed for the contact point cpnt.
allowCollision(ContactPoint, Collidable, Set<Vertex3d>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
allowCollision(ContactPoint, Collidable, Set<Vertex3d>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
allowsFloatPolylines() - Method in interface artisynth.core.gui.DataRenderer
allowsFloatPolylines() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.PostScriptRenderer
allowsFloatPolylines() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.SvgRenderer
allTransformed(Collection<? extends TransformableGeometry>) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.TransformGeometryContext
Returns true if all members of a specified set of transformable components are marked as having been transformed.
allTransformed(TransformableGeometry[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.TransformGeometryContext
Returns true if all members of a specified set of transformable components are marked as having been transformed.
ALT - Static variable in class maspack.widgets.MouseBindings
Alt key
alwaysProjectFriction - Variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
AmiraLandmarkFileFilter() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.AmiraLandmarkReader.AmiraLandmarkFileFilter
AmiraLandmarkReader - Class in artisynth.core.util
A class to read an ascii landmark file exported from Amira
AmiraLandmarkReader() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.AmiraLandmarkReader
AmiraLandmarkReader.AmiraLandmarkFileFilter - Class in artisynth.core.util
AmiraMeshWriter - Class in
AmiraMeshWriter(OutputStream) - Constructor for class
AmiraMeshWriter(File) - Constructor for class
AmiraMeshWriter(String) - Constructor for class
AmiraMeshWriter.AmiraMeshWriterFactory - Class in
AmiraMeshWriterFactory() - Constructor for class
AnalyticGeometryManager<T> - Class in artisynth.demos.wrapping
Manages wrappable objects whose geometry is described by analytical surfaces.
AnalyticGeometryManager(Manager.Creator<T>, Manager.Updatable) - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryManager
AnalyticGeometryManager(String, Manager.Creator<T>, Manager.Updatable) - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryManager
AnalyticGeometryManager.Geometry - Enum in artisynth.demos.wrapping
The type of geometry.
AnalyticGeometryManager.WrapMethod - Enum in artisynth.demos.wrapping
The type of MultiPointSpring wrap method.
AnalyticGeometryTests - Class in artisynth.demos.wrapping
Model that tests MultiPointWrapping around objects whose geometry is described by analytic surfaces.
AnalyticGeometryTests() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryTests
AnalyticGeometryTests.WrappableGeometryPair - Class in artisynth.demos.wrapping
analyze(Matrix, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matlab.MatlabSolver
analyze(Matrix, int, int) - Method in interface maspack.solvers.DirectSolver
Performs prefactor analysis on a specified matrix.
analyze(VectorNd, int, SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.solvers.KKTSolver
Performs symbolic analysis on the equality portion of the KKT system defined by a diagonal M matrix and G.
analyze(SparseBlockMatrix, int, SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.KKTSolver
Performs symbolic analysis on the equality portion of the KKT system defined by matrices M and GT.
analyze(Matrix, int, int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Sets the matrix associated with this solver and performs symbolic analysis on it.
analyze(double[], int[], int[], int, int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Sets the matrix associated with this solver and performs symbolic analysis on it.
analyze(Matrix, int, int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.UmfpackSolver
analyze(int[], int[], int, int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.UmfpackSolver
analyzeAndFactor(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matlab.MatlabSolver
analyzeAndFactor(Matrix) - Method in interface maspack.solvers.DirectSolver
Factors a matrix.
analyzeAndFactor(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Convenience method that sets the matrix associated with this solver, performs symbolic analysis on it, and factors it.
analyzeAndFactor(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.solvers.UmfpackSolver
ANALYZED - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Indicates that a matrix has been set and analyzed for this solver.
analyzeMG(Object, int, SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.KKTSolver
Performs symbolic analysis on the equality portion of the KKT system defined by M and G.
angle - Variable in class maspack.matrix.AxisAngle
Angle of rotation about the axis, in radians.
angle(SparseVectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Returns the angle between this vector and v1.
angle(Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Returns the angle between this vector and v1.
angle(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Returns the angle between this vector and v1.
angle(Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Returns the angle between this vector and v1.
angle(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Returns the angle between this vector and v1.
angleWeightedCross(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Computes the cross product v2 x v1, where v2 = p1 - p2 and v1 = p1 - p0, and then sets the length of the result to the angle between v1 and v2.
angleWeightedCrossAdd(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Computes the cross product v2 x v1, where v2 = p1 - p2 and v1 = p1 - p0, and then sets the length of the result to the angle between v1 and v2.
ANIMATED_GIF_METHOD - Static variable in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
AnimatedGifWriter - Class in artisynth.core.moviemaker
Creates an animated Gif.
AnimatedGifWriter() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.moviemaker.AnimatedGifWriter
AnisotropicLinearMaterial - Class in artisynth.core.materials
AnisotropicLinearMaterial() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.AnisotropicLinearMaterial
AnisotropicLinearMaterial(double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.AnisotropicLinearMaterial
AnisotropicLinearMaterial(double, double, boolean) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.AnisotropicLinearMaterial
AnisotropicLinearMaterial(Matrix6dBase) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.AnisotropicLinearMaterial
AnisotropicLinearMaterial(Matrix6dBase, boolean) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.AnisotropicLinearMaterial
ANSIColorLogger - Class in maspack.util
Allows different colours for log levels.
ANSIColorLogger() - Constructor for class maspack.util.ANSIColorLogger
ANSIColorLogger.ANSIColor - Enum in maspack.util
AnsysCdbReader - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
Reads FEM mesh geometry from Ansys .cdb files.
AnsysCdbReader(File) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AnsysCdbReader
Creates a reader to read from a specified file.
AnsysCdbReader(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AnsysCdbReader
Creates a reader to read from a specified file.
AnsysCdbReader(Reader) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AnsysCdbReader
Creates a reader to read from a specified Reader.
AnsysCdbReaderWriterTest - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
AnsysCdbReaderWriterTest(boolean) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AnsysCdbReaderWriterTest
AnsysCdbWriter - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
Writes FEM mesh geometry to an Ansys .cdb file.
AnsysCdbWriter(PrintWriter) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AnsysCdbWriter
Creates an AnsysCdbWriter to write to a specified PrintWriter.
AnsysCdbWriter(File) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AnsysCdbWriter
Creates an AnsysCdbWriter to write to a specified file.
AnsysCdbWriter(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AnsysCdbWriter
Creates an AnsysCdbWriter to write to a specified file.
AnsysCdbWriter.AnsysType - Enum in artisynth.core.femmodels
AnsysCdbWriter.EBlockKey - Enum in artisynth.core.femmodels
Controls how EBLOCKs are written
AnsysReader - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
A class to read an FEM described in the Abaqus file format.
AnsysReader(File, File) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AnsysReader
AnsysReader(String, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AnsysReader
AnsysReaderWriterTest - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
AnsysReaderWriterTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AnsysReaderWriterTest
AnsysWriter - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
AnsysWriter(File, File) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AnsysWriter
AnsysWriter(String, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AnsysWriter
AnyMatcher - Class in maspack.fileutil.uri
Used for checking if URIs match anything
AnyMatcher() - Constructor for class maspack.fileutil.uri.AnyMatcher
Appearance - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
Appearance() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Appearance
AppearanceFactory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
AppearanceFactory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.AppearanceFactory
append(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Appends a value to the end of this vector, increasing its size by one.
append(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Appends the values of vec to the end of this vector, increasing its size by the size of vec.
append(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Appends a value to the end of this vector, increasing its size by one.
append(VectorNi) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Appends the values of vec to the end of this vector, increasing its size by the size of vec.
appendProbes(LinkedList<Probe>) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Track
appendVertex(Vertex2d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
appendVertex(PolygonVertex3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3d
apply(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConnectorBoundsRenderer
apply(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConnectorForceRenderer
apply(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Applies the controller, estimating and setting the next set of muscle activations
apply(double, double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.Controller
Called at the beginning of a RootModel's advance procedure
apply(double, double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.Monitor
Called at the end of a RootModel's advance procedure
apply(GeometryTransformer, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.TransformGeometryContext
Applies a geometry transformation to all the transformable components currently stored in this context.
apply(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.customjoint.OpenSimCustomJointTest.JointMonitor
apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.AffineNumericInputProbe
apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.CutPlaneProbe
apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.FemDisplayProbe
apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.ImagePlaneProbe
apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.ImageProbe
apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.InputProbe
apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericControlProbe
Interpolate data to specified time and set related properties values.
apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
Interpolate data to specified time and set related properties values.
apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericMonitorProbe
apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericOutputProbe
apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.OutputProbe
apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
Called at time t to apply this probe
apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.RigidTransformInputProbe
Apply this probe at time t to model myModel.
apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPointProbe
Called at time t to apply this probe
apply(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.PanController
apply(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.PullController
apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RenderProbe
apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.SleepProbe
apply(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.FemSurfaceTargetDemo.SurfaceTargetController
apply(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.FrameTargetDemo.FrameController
apply(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.EquilibriumMuscleTest.LengthController
apply(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.IntersectionTester
apply(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.ContactForceMonitorSavable.ContactMonitor
apply(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.EquilibriumMuscleDemo.LengthController
apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactForceProbe
apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactMomentProbe
apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ForceErrorProbe
apply(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ParametricTestBase.EndpointPenetrationMonitor
apply(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ParametricTestBase.ParametricMotionControllerBase
apply(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase.ABPointsMonitor
apply(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase.PropertyMonitor
apply(AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in interface maspack.geometry.GeometryTransformer.Constrainer
Modfies the value of X, if necessary, to satisfy some constraint.
apply(AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in class maspack.geometry.GeometryTransformer.UniformScalingConstrainer
apply(GLMouseAdapter, int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.MouseBindings
applyAction(String, LinkedList<ModelComponent>, Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.EditorBase
applyAction(String, LinkedList<ModelComponent>, Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.FemMeshCompEditor
applyAction(String, LinkedList<ModelComponent>, Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.FemModel3dEditor
applyAction(String, LinkedList<ModelComponent>, Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.FemMuscleModelEditor
applyAction(String, LinkedList<ModelComponent>, Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.FrameMarkerEditor
applyAction(String, LinkedList<ModelComponent>, Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.IsRenderableEditor
applyAction(String, LinkedList<ModelComponent>, Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MechModelEditor
applyAction(String, LinkedList<ModelComponent>, Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MeshBodyEditor
applyAction(String, LinkedList<ModelComponent>, Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MuscleBundleEditor
applyAction(String, LinkedList<ModelComponent>, Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MuscleEditor
applyAction(String, LinkedList<ModelComponent>, Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MuscleExciterEditor
applyAction(String, LinkedList<ModelComponent>, Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.ProbeEditor
applyAction(String, LinkedList<ModelComponent>, Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.RigidBodyEditor
applyAction(String, LinkedList<ModelComponent>, Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.RootModelEditor
applyAction(String, LinkedList<ModelComponent>, Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.TrackingControllerEditor
applyAttachmentForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
applyControllers(List<Controller>, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
applyCoordinateForce(int, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
Applies a generalized force to the idx-th coordinate for this joint.
applyData(VectorNd, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKProbe
applyData(VectorNd, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericControlProbe
Applies the current numeric data of this probe, as input in the argument vec, and uses it to update the simulation for either the current absolute time t or probe relative time trel.
applyData(VectorNd, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.TransparencyProbe
applyDefaultDisplayRanges() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
applyDeformation() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.FemModelDeformer
applyEuler - Variable in class maspack.spatialmotion.SphericalCoupling
applyExternalForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
applyExternalForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
applyExternalForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
applyExternalForces() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
applyExternalForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
applyExternalForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
applyForce(Wrench) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
applyForce(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
applyForce(Vector3d, MatrixBlock[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FrameConnection
applyForce(Wrench) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameAttachment
Applies a force to this frame, in world coordinates, by propagating it through to the underlying master bodies.
applyForce(Wrench) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameFrameAttachment
Applies a force to this frame, in world coordinates, by propagating it through to the underlying master bodies.
applyForce(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointCoordinateHandle
applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
applyForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFem3dAttachment
applyForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFrameAttachment
applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
applyForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
applyForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNodeNodeAttachment
applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
Apply forces due to fibres in bundle, consistent with force-effector
applyForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeFrameNodeAttachment
applyForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
applyForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter
applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.PointExciter
applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
applyForces() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachment
applyForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentBase
applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EBBeamBody
applyForces(double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ForceEffector
Adds forces to the components affected by this force effector at a particular time.
applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
applyForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameAttachment
applyForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameFrameAttachment
applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
applyForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GenericMarker
applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointLimitForce
Adds forces to the components affected by this force effector at a particular time.
applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Applies forces to the points of this spring, as well as any wrappables that are in contact with wrappable segments, resulting from the tension in the spring.
applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
applyForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointAttachment
applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
applyForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointFrameAttachment
applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointMeshForce
Adds forces to the components affected by this force effector at a particular time.
applyForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointParticleAttachment
applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
Adds forces to the components affected by this force effector at a particular time.
applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SoftPlaneCollider
applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Spring
applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrapPath
applyGravity(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
Note: this method is required by the interface, but is not currently used since gravity is applied directly to nodes within FemModel3d.updateNodeForces(), and gravity action is lumped together with the front node.
applyGravity(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
Shouldn't need this because gravity is applied to world nodes
applyGravity(Vector3d) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
Applies a gravity force to this component, given a prescribed gravity acceleration vector.
applyGravity(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EBBeamBody
applyGravity(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
Applies a gravity force to this component, given a prescribed gravity acceleration vector.
applyGravity(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Particle
applyGravity(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
Applies a gravity force to this component, given a prescribed gravity acceleration vector.
applyGravity(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
applyGrowth(PolygonalMesh, double) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
applyInputProbes() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
Responsible for applying input probes model after the mouse has been used to drag the time with the SHIFT modifier.
applyInputProbes(List<Probe>, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
applyMonitors(List<Monitor>, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
applyMovingAverageSmoothing(int) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Smooths the values in this list by applying a mean average filter over a moving window of specified size.
applyOutputProbes(List<Probe>, double, RootModel.ModelInfo) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
applyPosImpulse(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Particle
applyRemesh(PolygonalMesh, Vector3i) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
applyRotation(RotationMatrix3d, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.customjoint.OpenSimCustomCoupling.TAxis
Apply rotation for a rotation axis
applySavitzkyGolaySmoothing(int, int) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Smooths the values in this list by applying Savitzky-Golay smoothing over a moving window of specified size.
applyScaling(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3d
Scales the columns of A by the specified amounts.
applyThickening(MeshThicken.Region, MeshBase, double) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
applyToCurrent() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.InteractionPrefs
applyToCurrent() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LayoutPrefs
applyToCurrent() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MaintenancePrefs
applyToCurrent() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MousePrefs
applyToCurrent() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MoviePrefs
applyToCurrent() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Preferences
applyToCurrent() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationPrefs
applyToCurrent() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerGridPrefs
applyToCurrent() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerOpenGLPrefs
applyToCurrent() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerPrefs
applyTranslation(Vector3d, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.customjoint.OpenSimCustomCoupling.TAxis
Apply translation for a translation axis
applyXCorrection - Variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EBBeamBody
AQUISITION_NUMBER - Static variable in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTag
AQUISITION_TIME - Static variable in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTag
area() - Method in class maspack.geometry.ConvexPolygon2d
area() - Method in class maspack.geometry.ConvexPolygon3d
area() - Method in class maspack.util.Rectangle
areAllGLEventListenerInitialized() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
areConnected(ModelComponent, ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
Returns true if comp2 is connected to the same component hierarchy as comp1.
areConnectedVia(ModelComponent, ModelComponent, ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
Returns true if components comp1 and comp2 are connected via the component hierarchy, with the path running through the specified intermediate component viacomp (which may equal comp1, comp2, or any component on the path in between).
areCoplanarAtRest(MFreeNode3d[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeModel3d
areWidgetsDraggable() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
areWidgetsSelectable() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
ArgsTest - Class in artisynth.demos.test
ArgsTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.test.ArgsTest
arrangeControlPanels(RootModel) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
ARRAY_END - Static variable in class maspack.json.JSONTokenizer
array_equals(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.UtilTrim
ARRAY_START - Static variable in class maspack.json.JSONTokenizer
arrayFromMatlab(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.MatlabInterface
Takes the MATLAB array named by matlabName and returns the corresponding double[][] object, with values assigned in row-major order.
ArrayListView<E> - Class in maspack.util
ArrayList based implementation of ListView
ArrayListView() - Constructor for class maspack.util.ArrayListView
ArrayListView(int) - Constructor for class maspack.util.ArrayListView
ArraySort - Class in maspack.util
Support class for sorting arrays of integers and doubles.
ArraySort() - Constructor for class maspack.util.ArraySort
ArraySortTest - Class in maspack.util
Test class for ArraySort.
ArraySortTest() - Constructor for class maspack.util.ArraySortTest
ArraySupport - Class in maspack.util
A set of static methods to test for equality of arrays
ArraySupport() - Constructor for class maspack.util.ArraySupport
ArraySupportTest - Class in maspack.util
ArraySupportTest() - Constructor for class maspack.util.ArraySupportTest
arrayToObject(double[]) - Method in class
ArrudaBoyceMaterial - Class in artisynth.core.materials
ArrudaBoyceMaterial() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.ArrudaBoyceMaterial
ArrudaBoyceMaterial(double, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.ArrudaBoyceMaterial
ArticulatedBeamBody - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
ArticulatedBeamBody() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.ArticulatedBeamBody
ArticulatedDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
ArticulatedDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.ArticulatedDemo
ArticulatedFem - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
ArticulatedFem() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.ArticulatedFem
artisynth.core.driver - package artisynth.core.driver
artisynth.core.femmodels - package artisynth.core.femmodels
artisynth.core.femmodels.integration - package artisynth.core.femmodels.integration
artisynth.core.fields - package artisynth.core.fields
artisynth.core.gui - package artisynth.core.gui
artisynth.core.gui.editorManager - package artisynth.core.gui.editorManager
artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole - package artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole
artisynth.core.gui.navpanel - package artisynth.core.gui.navpanel
artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor - package artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor
artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager - package artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager
artisynth.core.gui.timeline - package artisynth.core.gui.timeline
artisynth.core.gui.widgets - package artisynth.core.gui.widgets
artisynth.core.inverse - package artisynth.core.inverse
artisynth.core.materials - package artisynth.core.materials
artisynth.core.mechmodels - package artisynth.core.mechmodels
artisynth.core.mfreemodels - package artisynth.core.mfreemodels
artisynth.core.modelbase - package artisynth.core.modelbase
artisynth.core.modelmenu - package artisynth.core.modelmenu
artisynth.core.moviemaker - package artisynth.core.moviemaker
artisynth.core.opensim - package artisynth.core.opensim
artisynth.core.opensim.components - package artisynth.core.opensim.components
artisynth.core.opensim.customjoint - package artisynth.core.opensim.customjoint
artisynth.core.probes - package artisynth.core.probes
artisynth.core.renderables - package artisynth.core.renderables
artisynth.core.util - package artisynth.core.util
artisynth.core.workspace - package artisynth.core.workspace
artisynth.demos.dicom - package artisynth.demos.dicom
artisynth.demos.fem - package artisynth.demos.fem
artisynth.demos.inverse - package artisynth.demos.inverse
artisynth.demos.mech - package artisynth.demos.mech
artisynth.demos.renderables - package artisynth.demos.renderables
artisynth.demos.test - package artisynth.demos.test
artisynth.demos.tutorial - package artisynth.demos.tutorial
artisynth.demos.wrapping - package artisynth.demos.wrapping
artisynth.models.fez2021 - package artisynth.models.fez2021
artisynth.models.testspace - package artisynth.models.testspace
ArtisynthDataManager - Class in artisynth.core.util
Utility class for manager remote data files, allowing them to be downloaded on demand (and hence stay out of source version control)
ArtisynthDataManager() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthDataManager
ArtisynthDataManager(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthDataManager
Creates a data manager capable of transfering files to/from a remote folder or server
ArtisynthDataManager(String, File) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthDataManager
Creates a data manager capable of transfering files to/from a remote folder or server
ArtisynthFileManager - Class in artisynth.core.util
A FileManager that by default looks for files in the ArtiSynth source directory tree.
ArtisynthFileManager(Object, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthFileManager
Creates a FileManager object that looks for files in the source tree.
ArtisynthFileManager(Object, String, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthFileManager
Creates a FileManager object that looks for files in the source tree.
ArtisynthFileManager(File, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthFileManager
Constructs a FileManager object for reading from zip files
ArtisynthIO - Class in artisynth.core.util
Utility routines for creating writers and tokenizers for I/O operations.
ArtisynthIO() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthIO
ArtisynthJythonConsole - Class in artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole
ArtisynthPath - Class in artisynth.core.util
ArtiSynthThreadManager - Class in artisynth.core.driver
ArtiSynthThreadManager(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.ArtiSynthThreadManager
Creates primary thread pool
ArtiSynthThreadManager(String, int) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.ArtiSynthThreadManager
Creates primary thread pool
ArtiSynthThreadManager(String, int, long) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.ArtiSynthThreadManager
Creates primary thread pool
ArtisynthWebGrabber - Class in artisynth.core.util
ArtisynthWebGrabber() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthWebGrabber
ArtisynthWebGrabber(String, String, int) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthWebGrabber
ArtisynthWebGrabber(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthWebGrabber
assertEquals(Object, Object) - Method in class maspack.json.Test
assignMasters(CollidableBody, CollidableBody) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.OpenSimTest
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
Attach this root model to a driver program
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.dicom.DicomLoader
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.dicom.DicomTest
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.EmbeddedHeart
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.EmbeddedSphere
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.EmbeddedTongue
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.Fem3dBlock
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemFrictionBeam
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FishDemo
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatDemo
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.MultiCollisionTest
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.QuadFishDemo
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SimpleCollide
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SkinCollisionTest
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SpongeDemo
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.HydrostatInvDemo
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.CollisionTestBase
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.EllipsoidJoint3dDemo
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.EllipsoidJointDemo
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SkullParticles
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SpringMeshDemo
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.CSGAnimation
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.FemBeamTest
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MappingDemo
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.SpecularTest
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.TextTest
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.TrimmedElements
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.FemCollisions
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.NetDemo
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.GeneralWrapTest
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.KnotDensityTest
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.KnotDensityTest2
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.KnotDensityTest3
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.TalusWrapTest
attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase
attachAxialSpring(Point, Point, AxialSpring) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
AttachDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
AttachDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.AttachDemo
AttachedBeamBody - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
AttachedBeamBody() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.AttachedBeamBody
AttachedBeamDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
AttachedBeamDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.AttachedBeamDemo
AttachedMuscleBeam - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
AttachedMuscleBeam() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.AttachedMuscleBeam
attachedNearContact(ContactPoint, Collidable, Set<Vertex3d>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
AttachedPoint - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
AttachedPoint(Point, Point3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AttachedPoint
attachFemToBody(MechModel, FemModel3d, RigidBody, double) - Method in class artisynth.models.fez2021.MyFEMonster
attachFrame(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
attachFrame(Frame, FrameAttachable, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Attaches a frame to a FrameAttachable component, with the initial pose of the frame described by TFWusin component's current position state.
attachFrame(Frame, FrameAttachable) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Attaches a frame to a FrameAttachable component, using each component's current position state.
attachFrameSpring(Frame, Frame, FrameSpring) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
AttachingComponent - Interface in artisynth.core.mechmodels
A model component associated with a dynamic attachment which can be used as an attachment request.
AttachmentReferenceTest - Class in artisynth.demos.test
Tests the code by which a DynamicAttachment's back references to the slave and master components are automatically updated depending on the reachability of these components with repsect to the attaching component.
AttachmentReferenceTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.test.AttachmentReferenceTest
attachments() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
attachments() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
attachModeSelectionToolbar(JPanel) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MenuBarHandler
AttachParticleAgent - Class in artisynth.core.gui.editorManager
Responsible for attaching particles to each other within a mech model
AttachParticleAgent(Main, MechModel) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AttachParticleAgent
AttachParticleBodyAgent - Class in artisynth.core.gui.editorManager
Responsible for attaching particles to each other within a mech model
AttachParticleBodyAgent(Main, MechModel, RigidBody) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AttachParticleBodyAgent
AttachParticleFemAgent - Class in artisynth.core.gui.editorManager
Responsible for attaching particles to each other within a mech model
AttachParticleFemAgent(Main, MechModel, FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AttachParticleFemAgent
attachPoint(Point, FemNode[], double[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
attachPoint(Point, PointAttachable) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Attaches a particle to a PointAttachable component, using both component's current position state.
attachPoint(Point, RigidBody, Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
attachProbeInfo(ProbeInfo) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Track
Attach probe info to this track
attachToolbar() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MenuBarHandler
attachViewerToolbar(JPanel) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MenuBarHandler
author: andreio create a camera toolbar to control the view of the camera on the GlViewer
attr - Variable in class maspack.apps.MayaJointToMatlab.MayaAttribute
attributes - Variable in class
ATTRIBUTES - Static variable in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GLSLGenerator
Set of built-in attributes, with a hint for binding locations
audioFn - Variable in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieOptions
AudioPlayer02 - Class in artisynth.core.util
AudioPlayer02() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.AudioPlayer02
audioToFile - Variable in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieOptions
audioToText - Variable in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieOptions
Auto - Class in
This class is a holder for the field TYPE, which is used to indicate object types which should be automatically allocated.
Auto() - Constructor for class
AUTO_EPSILON - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.LemkeSolverBase
AUTO_FIT - Static variable in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
AutoCompleteStringField - Class in maspack.widgets
Auto-completing version of the StringField Tab to make a suggestion, continue tabbing to cycle through suggestions or use Up/Down keys
AutoCompleteStringField() - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.AutoCompleteStringField
Creates a StringField with an empty label text and a default number of columns.
AutoCompleteStringField(String, int) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.AutoCompleteStringField
Creates a StringField with specified label text.
AutoCompleteStringField(String, String, int) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.AutoCompleteStringField
Creates a StringField with specified label text and initial value.
AutoCompleteStringField(String, String, int, Collection<String>) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.AutoCompleteStringField
Creates an ACStringField with specified label text, initial value, and list of suggested words
autoFactorAndSolve(VectorNd, VectorNd, int) - Method in class maspack.matlab.MatlabSolver
autoFactorAndSolve(VectorNd, VectorNd, int) - Method in interface maspack.solvers.DirectSolver
Factors a previously analyzed matrix M and then solves the system
autoFactorAndSolve(VectorNd, VectorNd, int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Calls PardisoSolver.factor() and PardisoSolver.solve(double[],double[]) together, or, if tolExp is positive, automatically determines when to call PardisoSolver.iterativeSolve(maspack.matrix.VectorNd,maspack.matrix.VectorNd,int) with the specific tolExpinstead, depending on whether the matrix is factored and if it is estimated that iterativeSolve will save time.
autoFactorAndSolve(double[], double[], int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Implementation of PardisoSolver.autoFactorAndSolve(maspack.matrix.VectorNd,maspack.matrix.VectorNd,int) that uses double[] objects to store to the result and right-hand side.
autoFactorAndSolve(VectorNd, VectorNd, int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.UmfpackSolver
AutoFemReader - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
Convenience routines for reading any FE file format
AutoFemReader(File) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AutoFemReader
AutoFemReader(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AutoFemReader
AutoFemReader.FemFileType - Enum in artisynth.core.femmodels
autoFit() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
autoFit() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Calls either Viewer.autoFitOrtho() or Viewer.autoFitPerspective(), depending on whether the current view is orthogonal or perspective.
autoFitOrtho() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
autoFitOrtho() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Auto computes the eye and center positions and an orthogonal viewing frustum to fit the current scence.
autoFitPerspective() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Auto computes the eye and center positions and an perpective viewing frustum to fit the current scence.
autoFitPerspective() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Auto computes the eye and center positions and an perpective viewing frustum to fit the current scence.
autoFitViewers() - Method in class maspack.test.GL.MultiViewer
autoGenerateNormals() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Computes vertex normals using an angle-weighted average of the normals formed by the edges incident on each vertex.
AUTOMATIC - Static variable in class maspack.geometry.ConvexPolygonIntersector
Specfies that distance tolerances should be computed automatically.
AUTOMATIC_PIVOT_LIMIT - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.LemkeSolverBase
automaticProbesZoom() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.Timeline
automaticProbesZoom() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
Automatically decide which zoom level is better for the probes and set this level based on the maximum probe time data.
AutoValue - Static variable in interface
Special class type indicating that a value is to be determined automatically.
AuxiliaryMaterial - Interface in artisynth.core.femmodels
AuxMaterialBundle - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
AuxMaterialBundle() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
AuxMaterialBundle(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
AuxMaterialBundle(String, FemMaterial) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
AuxMaterialBundle.FractionRenderType - Enum in artisynth.core.femmodels
AuxMaterialBundleList - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
AuxMaterialBundleList() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundleList
AuxMaterialBundleList(String, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundleList
AuxMaterialElementDesc - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
A class wrapping the description of each FEM element.
AuxMaterialElementDesc() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialElementDesc
AuxMaterialElementDesc(FemElement3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialElementDesc
AuxMaterialElementDesc(FemElement3d, FemMaterial, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialElementDesc
AuxMaterialElementDescList - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
AuxMaterialElementDescList() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialElementDescList
AuxMaterialElementDescList(String, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialElementDescList
available() - Method in class maspack.util.BitInputStream
Returns an estimate of the number of bits that can be read (or skipped over) from this input stream without blocking by the next caller of a method for this input stream.
AVCONV_METHOD - Static variable in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
avgNumIterations() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKSolver
Return the average number of iterations per solve
awaitNextCompleted() - Method in class maspack.concurrency.MultiThreadManager
awaitNextCompleted() - Method in class maspack.concurrency.SimpleThreadManager
awaitScreenShotCompletion() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Viewer
awaitScreenShotCompletion() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Viewer
awaitScreenShotCompletion() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
awaitTermination(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class maspack.concurrency.MultiThreadManager
awaitTermination(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class maspack.concurrency.SimpleThreadManager
AxesKey(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedPrimitive.AxesKey
AxialLigament - Class in artisynth.core.materials
Ligmament material based on : Blankevoort, L., and Huiskes, R.
AxialLigament() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.AxialLigament
AxialLigament(double, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.AxialLigament
AxialLigament(double, double, double, Diff1Function1x1Base) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.AxialLigament
AxialMaterial - Class in artisynth.core.materials
AxialMaterial() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMaterial
AxialMaterialTest - Class in artisynth.core.materials
Tests AxialMaterials by checking that their computed derivatives are consistent with the values determined via numeric differentiation.
AxialMuscleMaterial - Class in artisynth.core.materials
AxialMuscleMaterial() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
AxialMuscleMaterialBase - Class in artisynth.core.materials
Base class for point-to-point muscle materials.
AxialMuscleMaterialBase() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterialBase
AxialSpring - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
AxialSpring() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
AxialSpring(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
AxialSpring(String, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
AxialSpring(String, double, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
AxialSpring(double, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
AxialSpringAgent<C extends AxialSpring> - Class in artisynth.core.gui.editorManager
Responsible for adding AxialSprings to a MechModel.
AxialSpringAgent(Main, ComponentList<C>, CompositeComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AxialSpringAgent
AxialSpringList<S extends AxialSpring> - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
AxialSpringList(Class<S>) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpringList
AxialSpringList(Class<S>, String, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpringList
axialSprings() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
AxialSpringTest - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
AxialTendonBase - Class in artisynth.core.materials
Base class for point-to-point muscle materials that implement muscle tendons.
AxialTendonBase() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.AxialTendonBase
axis - Variable in class maspack.matrix.AxisAngle
Rotation axis.
AXIS_ANGLE_STRING - Static variable in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d
Specifies a string representation of this transformation as a 7-tuple consisting of a translation vector followed by a rotation axis and the corresponding angle (in degrees).
AXIS_ANGLE_STRING - Static variable in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Specifies a string representation of this rotation as a 4-tuple consisting of a rotation axis and the corresponding angle (in degrees).
AXIS_ANGLE_STRING - Static variable in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Specifies a string representation of this transformation as an 8-tuple consisting of a translation vector followed by a rotation axis and the corresponding angle (in degrees) followed by the scale
AxisAlignedRotation - Enum in maspack.matrix
Denotes an axis-aligned rotation i.e., a rotation in which the new axes are aligned (in either direction) with the original axes.
AxisAlignedRotationTest - Class in maspack.matrix
AxisAlignedRotationTest() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AxisAlignedRotationTest
AxisAngle - Class in maspack.matrix
Axis-angle representation of a rigid-body rotation.
AxisAngle() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AxisAngle
Creates an AxisAngle and initializes it to the identity rotation.
AxisAngle(double[]) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AxisAngle
Creates an AxisAngle and initializes it to the prescribed values.
AxisAngle(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AxisAngle
Creates an AxisAngle and initializes it to the prescribed values.
AxisAngle(Vector3d, double) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AxisAngle
Creates an AxisAngle and sets it to the prescribed values.
AxisAngle(AxisAngle) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AxisAngle
Creates an AxisAngle and initializes it from an existing AxisAngle.
AxisAngle(RotationMatrix3d) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AxisAngle
Creates an AxisAngle initialized to the specified rotation matrix.
AxisAngleField - Class in maspack.widgets
AxisAngleField() - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.AxisAngleField
Creates a default AxisAngleField with an empty label.
AxisAngleField(String) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.AxisAngleField
Creates a new AxisAngleField with specified label text.
AxisAngleField(String, AxisAngle) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.AxisAngleField
Creates a new AxisAngleField with specified label text and initial value.
axisAngleString() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
AxisAngleTest - Class in maspack.matrix
AxisAngleTest() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AxisAngleTest


b - Variable in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelData
backLink() - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
Last link
BackNode3d - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
BackNode3d(FemNode3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
backwardEuler(double, double, StepAdjustment) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
BallJoint - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
BallJoint() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BallJoint
BallJointFactory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
BallJointFactory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BallJointFactory
BallPlateCollide - Class in artisynth.demos.tutorial
BallPlateCollide() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.tutorial.BallPlateCollide
Base16 - Class in maspack.crypt
Hex-encoded string
Base16() - Constructor for class maspack.crypt.Base16
Base64 - Class in maspack.crypt
Base64 encoding (RFC 4648 and RFC 2045), modified from source on
Base64() - Constructor for class maspack.crypt.Base64
baseVertexEquals(Vector3i) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid.TetDesc
BASIC - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.LemkeSolverBase
BeamBody - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
BeamBody() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BeamBody
BeamBody(PolygonalMesh, double, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BeamBody
BeamBodyCollide - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
BeamBodyCollide() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.BeamBodyCollide
BEGIN - Static variable in class artisynth.core.util.ScanToken
begin(GL3, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3FlexObject
Begins constructing VBOs.
begin(GL3, boolean, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3FlexObject
Begins constructing object
begin(GL3, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3FlexObject
Begins constructing object
begin(GL, int, int) - Method in interface maspack.render.GL.GLPipelineRenderer
Begins rendering of primitives
begin(GL, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLPipelineRendererBase
begin(GL) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLTextRenderer
Prepares for drawing
begin(String) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
Starts writing an STL file with the given filename, in binary mode
begin(String, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
Starts writing an STL file
begin() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureTextRenderer
Prepare a queue for optimized rendering of characters
begin() - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
First element
begin2DRendering() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
begin2DRendering(double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
begin2DRendering(double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
begin2DRendering() - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Puts this Renderer into 2D rendering mode, or returns false if 2D rendering is not supported.
begin2DRendering(double, double) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Puts this Renderer into 2D rendering mode, or returns false if 2D rendering is not supported.
begin2DRendering() - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
begin2DRendering(double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
beginArray() - Method in class maspack.json.JSONFactoryHandler
beginArray() - Method in interface maspack.json.JSONHandler
Start of an array
beginBuild(Renderer.DrawMode) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Start automatically building primitives for every added vertex, using a specified mode.
beginBuild(Renderer.DrawMode) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Start automatically building primitives for every added vertex, using a specified mode.
beginClipping(float, float, float, float) - Method in interface artisynth.core.gui.DataRenderer
beginClipping(float, float, float, float) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.PostScriptRenderer
beginClipping(float, float, float, float) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.SvgRenderer
beginCompile(GL2) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Object
beginCompileAndDraw(GL2) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Object
beginDraw(Renderer.DrawMode) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
beginDraw(Renderer.DrawMode) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Begins draw mode.
beginDraw(Renderer.DrawMode) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
beginFeature(int) - Method in class maspack.render.FeatureIndexArray
Starts building a feature with the provided feature number (such as face index or line index)
beginGL() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Begin application-defined GL rendering, using GL primitives based on handles returned by GLViewer.getGL(), etc.
beginLineGraphics(float, Color) - Method in interface artisynth.core.gui.DataRenderer
beginLineGraphics(float, Color) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.PostScriptRenderer
beginLineGraphics(float, Color) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.SvgRenderer
beginObject() - Method in class maspack.json.JSONFactoryHandler
beginObject() - Method in interface maspack.json.JSONHandler
Start of an object
beginPlot(float, float, boolean) - Method in interface artisynth.core.gui.DataRenderer
beginPlot(float, float, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.PostScriptRenderer
beginPlot(float, float, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.SvgRenderer
beginSelectionForObject(IsSelectable, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSelector
beginSelectionQuery(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLColorSelector
beginSelectionQuery(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLOcclusionSelector
beginSelectionQuery(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSelector
beginSelectionQuery(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
beginSelectionQuery(int) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Begins a selection query with the {\it query identifier} qid.
beginSelectionQuery(int) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
beginSolidGraphics(Color) - Method in interface artisynth.core.gui.DataRenderer
beginSolidGraphics(Color) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.PostScriptRenderer
beginSolidGraphics(Color) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.SvgRenderer
beginSubSelection(IsSelectable, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
beginSubSelection(IsSelectable, int) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Begins selection for a IsSelectable sthat manages its own selection; this call should be used in place of Renderer.beginSelectionQuery(int) for such objects.
beginSubSelection(IsSelectable, int) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
beginTextGraphics(float, Color) - Method in interface artisynth.core.gui.DataRenderer
beginTextGraphics(float, Color) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.PostScriptRenderer
beginTextGraphics(float, Color) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.SvgRenderer
behaviors() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
BELOW - Static variable in class maspack.widgets.GuiUtils
Place one component below another.
BEZIER - Static variable in class
BIG_ENDIAN - Static variable in class maspack.util.BinaryInputStream
BigBeam3d - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
Creates an arbitrarily sized FEM beam model for use in testing the FEM-related computational and memory performance of ArtiSynth.
BigBeam3d() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.BigBeam3d
BILATERAL - Static variable in class maspack.spatialmotion.FrictionInfo
BILATERAL - Static variable in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
Constraint is bilateral.
bilipschitzMapCylinderSphere(Point3d, Point3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Maps a cylinder with unit radius and z in [-1,1] to a unit sphere using the bilipschitz method described in A bi-Lipschitz continuous, volume preserving map from the unit ball onto a cube, Griepentrog, Hoppner, Kaiser, Rehberg, 2008
bilipschitzMapSphereCylinder(Point3d, Point3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Maps a unit sphere to a cylinder with unit radius and z in [-1,1] using the bilipschitz method described in A bi-Lipschitz continuous, volume preserving map from the unit ball onto a cube, Griepentrog, Hoppner, Kaiser, Rehberg, 2008
BinaryFileInputStream - Class in maspack.util
BinaryFileInputStream(File, int) - Constructor for class maspack.util.BinaryFileInputStream
Creates a new BinaryFileInputStream from a file.
BinaryFileInputStream(File) - Constructor for class maspack.util.BinaryFileInputStream
BinaryHeap<E> - Class in maspack.util
BinaryHeap() - Constructor for class maspack.util.BinaryHeap
Creates a minimum BinaryHeap with with default initial capacity and natural ordering comparator
BinaryHeap(int) - Constructor for class maspack.util.BinaryHeap
Creates a minimum BinaryHeap with with supplied initial capacity and natural ordering
BinaryHeap(Comparator<E>) - Constructor for class maspack.util.BinaryHeap
Creates a minimum BinaryHeap that uses the supplied comparator to order values
BinaryHeap(int, Comparator<E>, boolean) - Constructor for class maspack.util.BinaryHeap
Creates a BinaryHeap according to the supplied parameters
BinaryHeap.DefaultComparator<E> - Class in maspack.util
BinaryInputStream - Class in maspack.util
A data input stream class that can be set to convert its input from little-endian to big-endian.
BinaryInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class maspack.util.BinaryInputStream
Creates a new BinaryInputStream from an input stream.
BinaryInputStream(InputStream, int) - Constructor for class maspack.util.BinaryInputStream
Creates a new BinaryInputStream from an input stream and prescribed set of flag values.
BinaryOutputStream - Class in maspack.util
A data output stream class that can be set to convert its output from big-endian to little-endian.
BinaryOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class maspack.util.BinaryOutputStream
Creates a new BinaryOutputStream from an output stream.
BinaryOutputStream(OutputStream, int) - Constructor for class maspack.util.BinaryOutputStream
Creates a new BinaryOutputStream from an output stream and prescribed set of flag values.
BinaryStreamTest - Class in maspack.util
BinaryStreamTest() - Constructor for class maspack.util.BinaryStreamTest
BinaryTreeRectanglePacker - Class in maspack.util
Simple binary-tree based rectangle packer based on Jim Scott's Lightmap Packing Only keeps track of free space.
BinaryTreeRectanglePacker(int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.util.BinaryTreeRectanglePacker
bind(GL, ByteBuffer, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2PipelineRenderer
bind(GL3) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.BufferObject
bind(GL3) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.ElementArray
bind(GL3) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ElementAttributeArray
bind(GL3, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3LinesVertexBuffer
bind(GL3) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Object
Bind attributes to the VAO to prepare for drawing
bind(GL, ByteBuffer, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3PipelineRenderer
bind(GL3, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3PointsVertexBuffer
bind(GL3) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectElements
Bind attributes to the VAO to prepare for drawing
bind(GL3) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectLines
Bind attributes to the VAO to prepare for drawing
bind(GL3) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectPoints
Bind attributes to the VAO to prepare for drawing
bind(GL3) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectPrimitives
Bind attributes to the VAO to prepare for drawing
bind(GL3) - Method in interface maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedDrawable
Binds attributes to the currently active GL object
bind(GL3) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObject
bind(GL3) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectPrimitivesDrawable
bind(GL3) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedVertexIndexArray
bind(GL3) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeArray
bind(GL3, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeArray
bind(GL3, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeArrayInfo
bind(GL3) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeArrayInfo
bind(GL3) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.VertexArrayObject
bind(GL, ByteBuffer, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLPipelineRendererBase
Prepare to start drawing
bind(GL) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLRenderBuffer
bind(GL) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLTextRenderer
Bind's internal texture
bind(GL) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLTexture
Bind the specified GL context to a texture, automatically increases the use count of the texture.
bindAffines(GL3, GL3SharedDrawable) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderInstances
bindAttributes(GL3) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObject
Bind program attributes to the given program (uses the program's attribute locations)
bindDefault(GL3) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.VertexArrayObject
bindDivisor(GL3, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeArrayInfo
bindDivisor(GL3, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeArrayInfo
bindFrames(GL3, GL3SharedDrawable) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderInstances
Bind frame attributes to the VAO to prepare for drawing
bindIndices(GL3) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectPrimitives
bindInstanceAttributes(GL3, RenderInstances.InstanceTransformType) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderInstances
bindInstanced(GL3, GL3SharedObject, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectLines
bindInstanced(GL3, GL3SharedObject, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectPoints
bindInstancedVertices(GL3, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectLines
Bind with a line-offset (e.g.
bindInstancedVertices(GL3, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectPoints
bindInstancedVertices(GL3, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectPoints
bindLocation(GL3, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.UniformBufferObject
bindPoints(GL3, GL3SharedDrawable) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderInstances
Bind points attributes to the VAO to prepare for drawing
bindTexture(GL3, String, GLTexture) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ProgramManager
bindVertices(GL3) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectBase
BiNode<A,B> - Class in maspack.graph
Represents a node of the Tree<A> class.
BiNode() - Constructor for class maspack.graph.BiNode
Default constructor.
BiNode(A, B) - Constructor for class maspack.graph.BiNode
Convenience constructor.
BisectionRootSolver - Class in maspack.numerics
BisectionRootSolver() - Constructor for class maspack.numerics.BisectionRootSolver
BisectionRootSolverTest - Class in maspack.numerics
BisectionRootSolverTest() - Constructor for class maspack.numerics.BisectionRootSolverTest
BitInputStream - Class in maspack.util
Read a sequence of bits from a stream
BitInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class maspack.util.BitInputStream
BitInputStream(InputStream, boolean) - Constructor for class maspack.util.BitInputStream
BITS_ALLOCATED - Static variable in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTag
BITS_STORED - Static variable in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTag
BLACK - Static variable in class maspack.render.Material
Blankevoort1991AxialLigament - Class in artisynth.core.materials
Ligmament material based on : Blankevoort, L., and Huiskes, R.
Blankevoort1991AxialLigament() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.Blankevoort1991AxialLigament
Blankevoort1991AxialLigament(double, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.Blankevoort1991AxialLigament
Blankevoort1991Ligament - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
The ligament model used in the University of Wisconsin knee model.
Blankevoort1991Ligament() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Blankevoort1991Ligament
Blankevoort1991LigamentFactory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
Blankevoort1991LigamentFactory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Blankevoort1991LigamentFactory
BlemkerAxialMuscle - Class in artisynth.core.materials
A generic muscle material
BlemkerAxialMuscle() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerAxialMuscle
BlemkerAxialMuscle(double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerAxialMuscle
BlemkerMuscle - Class in artisynth.core.materials
A generic muscle material
BlemkerMuscle() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
BlemkerMuscle(double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
blockIdx - Variable in class maspack.spatialmotion.FrictionInfo
blockSize - Variable in class maspack.spatialmotion.FrictionInfo
blockStructureEquals(SparseBlockMatrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
Returns true if the structure of this SparseBlockMatrix matches that of another.
BlockTest - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
BlockTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.BlockTest
BlockTestX - Class in artisynth.demos.test
BlockTestX() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.test.BlockTestX
BLUE - Static variable in class maspack.render.Material
BlueViolet - Static variable in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
BMATRIX - Static variable in class
body - Variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody.NearestPoint
Master body
Body - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
Body() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Body
BodyAndTransform(OpenSimObject, RigidTransform3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.JointBase.BodyAndTransform
BodyAndTransform() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.JointBase.BodyAndTransform
BodyBodyAttachment - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
Demonstrates a rigid body being connected to another using a FrameFrameAttachment.
BodyBodyAttachment() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.BodyBodyAttachment
BodyBodyJoint - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
Demonstrates a rigid body being connected to another using a SolidJoint.
BodyBodyJoint() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.BodyBodyJoint
BodyConnector - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Base class for implementing constraints between two connectable bodies, or between a single connectable body and ground.
bodyConnectors() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
bodyCoriolisForce(Wrench, Twist) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Computes the coriolis forces induced by a given body-coordinate velocity acting on this spatial inertia.
BodyFactory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
BodyFactory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BodyFactory
BodyFemAttachment - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
BodyFemAttachment() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.BodyFemAttachment
BodyForceRendering - Class in artisynth.demos.tutorial
BodyForceRendering() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.tutorial.BodyForceRendering
BodySet - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
BodySet() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BodySet
BodySetFactory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
BodySetFactory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BodySetFactory
BOOLEAN - Static variable in class maspack.json.JSONTokenizer
BooleanHolder - Class in maspack.util
Wrapper class which ``holds'' a boolean value, enabling methods to return boolean values through arguments.
BooleanHolder() - Constructor for class maspack.util.BooleanHolder
Constructs a new BooleanHolder with an initial value of false.
BooleanHolder(boolean) - Constructor for class maspack.util.BooleanHolder
Constructs a new BooleanHolder with a specific initial value.
BooleanSelector - Class in maspack.widgets
BooleanSelector() - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.BooleanSelector
Creates a BooleanSelector with an empty label.
BooleanSelector(String, boolean) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.BooleanSelector
Creates a BooleanSelector with specified label text and initial value.
BooleanSelector(String) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.BooleanSelector
Creates a BooleanSelector with specified label text.
bound(Point3d, double, Point3d, double) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.SphereIntersector
Bounds the intersection of two spheres
bound(Point3d[], double[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.SphereIntersector
Bound the intersection of N spheres with a bounding box
Boundable - Interface in maspack.geometry
Methods to be implemented by geometric elements that can be enclosed within a bounding volume tree.
BoundaryCurve2D - Interface in maspack.spatialmotion.projections
BoundaryCurve2D.CurveType - Enum in maspack.spatialmotion.projections
BoundsTerm - Class in artisynth.core.inverse
Constraint term to bound excitation values, using bounds specified by the ExciterComps stored in the controller.
BoundsTerm() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.inverse.BoundsTerm
BoundsTerm(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.inverse.BoundsTerm
brentRootFinder(double, double, double, double, double, double, Function1x1) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
Implementation of Brent's root-finding method, guarantees that the final call to func is at the root
BrentRootSolver - Class in maspack.numerics
BrentRootSolver() - Constructor for class maspack.numerics.BrentRootSolver
BrentRootSolverTest - Class in maspack.numerics
BrentRootSolverTest() - Constructor for class maspack.numerics.BrentRootSolverTest
brownToRegular() - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
BSPLINE - Static variable in class
BSpline3dElement - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
BSpline3dElement() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.BSpline3dElement
BSpline3dElementTest - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
BSpline3dElementTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.BSpline3dElementTest
BSPTree - Class in maspack.geometry
BSPTree() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.BSPTree
BSPTree(PolygonalMesh) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.BSPTree
BSPTree(BSPTree) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.BSPTree
bubbleSort(int[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.ArraySort
Performs a bubble sort on an array of integers into ascending order.
bubbleSort(int[], int, int) - Static method in class maspack.util.ArraySort
Performs a bubble sort on a subregion of an array of integers into ascending order.
bubbleSort(int[], double[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.ArraySort
Performs a bubble sort on an array of integers into ascending order, and correspondingly rearranges an accompanying array of values.
bubbleSort(int[], double[], int, int) - Static method in class maspack.util.ArraySort
Performs a bubble sort on a subregion of an array of integers into ascending order, and correspondingly rearranges the same subregion of an accompanying array of values.
Buffer - Class in maspack.fileutil.jsch
Buffer(int) - Constructor for class maspack.fileutil.jsch.Buffer
Buffer(byte[]) - Constructor for class maspack.fileutil.jsch.Buffer
Buffer() - Constructor for class maspack.fileutil.jsch.Buffer
BufferAttributeInfo - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
BufferAttributeInfo() - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.BufferAttributeInfo
BufferObject - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
Generic GL Buffer Object
BufferObject(int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.BufferObject
BufferUtilities - Class in maspack.util
BufferUtilities() - Constructor for class maspack.util.BufferUtilities
build() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.PreferencesEditor
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.customjoint.OpenSimCustomJointTest
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.OpenSimTest
build(IndentingPrintWriter, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.BuildInfoCenterToc
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.dicom.DicomLoader
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.dicom.DicomTest
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.ArticulatedFem
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.AttachDemo
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.AttachedBeamDemo
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.AttachedMuscleBeam
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.BigBeam3d
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.BodyFemAttachment
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.BSpline3dElementTest
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.CombinedElemFem
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.CombinedShellFem
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.EdgeEdgeCollisionTest
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.EmbeddedEmbeddedCollide
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.EmbeddedHeart
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.EmbeddedSphere
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.EmbeddedSurface
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.EmbeddedSurfaceCollide
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.EmbeddedTongue
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.EmbeddedWeighting
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.Fem3dBlock
build(String, int, int, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.Fem3dBlock
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemBeam3d
build(String, int, int, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemBeam3d
build(String, double, double, int, int, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemBeam3d
build(String, double, double, double, int, int, int, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemBeam3d
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemBeamMech
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemCollision
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemFrictionBeam
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemMuscleArm
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemMuscleDemo
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemPlaneCollide
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemSkinDemo
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemWithBeamBody
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FishDemo
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.Hex3dBlock
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HexBeam3d
build(String, double, double, int, int, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HexBeam3d
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HexCube
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HexFrame
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HollowSphere
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatDemo
build(HydrostatModel.Shape) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatDemo
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.IncompressDemo
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.LeafDemo
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.LockingDemo
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.MultiCollisionTest
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.PlaneConstrainedFem
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.PyramidBeam3d
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.QuadFishDemo
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.QuadhexBeam3d
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.QuadpyramidBeam3d
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.QuadraticLockingDemo
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.QuadraticTorus
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.QuadtetBeam3d
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.QuadwedgeBeam3d
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.RedundantCollisionTest
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.RobustCube
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.ScalarElementFieldDemo
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.ScalarNodalFieldDemo
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.ScalarSubElemFieldDemo
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SelfCollision
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.ShellBlock
build(String, int, int, double, boolean, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.ShellBlock
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.ShellMembraneDemo
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.ShellQuadPatch
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.ShellTriPatch
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SignedDistanceCollide
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SimpleCollide
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SingleHex
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SinglePyramid
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SingleQuadhex
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SingleQuadpyramid
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SingleQuadtet
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SingleQuadwedge
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SingleShellQuad
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SingleShellTri
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SingleTet
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SingleWedge
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SkinCollisionTest
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SpongeDemo
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.TetBeam3d
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.TetCube
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.TorusDemo
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.TransverseIsotropy
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.VectorElementFieldDemo
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.VectorNodalFieldDemo
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.VectorSubElemFieldDemo
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.ViscousBeam
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.WedgeBeam3d
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.FemSurfaceTargetDemo
build(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.ForceTargetDemo